• "the wave returns to the ocean, where it came from and where it's supposed to be"
  • "there is no answer. but eleanor is the answer" - good place :)
  • "proof that tony stark has a heart" endgame
  • "i hope this grief stays with me because it's all the unexpressed love that i didn't get to tell her" andrew garfield, about his mother's passing
  • "i hope you know i trust you"
  • "basically no one cares"
  • "kinda sad"
  • 'it's not like you have anything to lose' ... 'i do.'
  • 'Where do you hold your wife?' she asked Tom. / Tom looked at Isabelle, his eyes full. He put his right hand to the side of his own face, then took it away and readjusted the shape slightly. / 'That is her jawline,' he said softly, running his left index finger along the half-circle at the base of his hand, then along the top curve where his hand met his fingers. 'And here is her cheekbone.'
  • If Donna Shellstrop has truly changed, then that means she was always capable of change, but I just wasn't worth changing for.
  • the possibility that i'm not the person that you are for me. now that terrifies me
  • I always thought we'd fix things in our forties or so / I never imagined that I'd be, the only one getting old
  • you don't stand a chance when you're young, and in love,
  • everything's gonna get better, everything's gonna get worse, when it gets hard remember that's the way it always works, maybe we're just like flowers starting down in the dirt, everyone calls them growing pains because we know the hurt
  • Sometimes I wonder whether me when I was younger/ would like the person that I've become
  • You don't even know all the places that you'll go / But I'm sorry that you feel so alone
  • seeing all of you cry. i’ll miss you so much. i’m sorry it’ll never be the same
  • "i'm really going to miss you a lot"
  • " 'You don't realize it," she said, 'but, one day, this too will be the past and you will mourn it. You will mourn it.' " - sue zhao
  • "You, Vision, are the piece of the Mind Stone that lives in me. You are a body of wires and blood and bone that I created. You are my sadness and my hope. But mostly, you're my love."
mar 5 2022 ∞
jun 11 2022 +