- 01 Jan: Midnight watching the fireworks with mama, papa and c. Party poppers.
- 02 Jan: Feeling sad. Lots of crying.
- 03 Jan: loving my chanel allure sensual from ma and pa for christmas…divine
- 04 Jan: Walking in the rain, singing to Regina Spektor, wellington boots, eating chocolate raisins, working on my dissertation proposal. Taxi Driver soundtrack (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx4aK-YsPeU)
- 05 Jan: Seeing our new house for the first time. Walking around Woking, lunch out. Long Skype with e. Vimto and Toblerone.
- 06 Jan: walking c to college, going to the post office
- 07 Jan: ordering asda delivery, haircut, dominoes 2fortuesday, parks and recreation, more vim to
- 08 Jan: walking with c, life of pi
- 09 Jan: back to bournemouth, taxi to the train station, staring out of windows, holding g so tightly, wep seminar
- 10 Jan: 8 hours at uni, 75 pence yellow flowers
- 11 Jan: walk out in the cold sunshine, working on advertising presentation
- 12 Jan: 7 1/2 hours at uni with advertising group, soy hot chocolate
- 13 Jan: advertising dress rehearsal, nerves, walk to winton, scented tea light candles, new cacti, 2hour chat with e at the flat with tea, parks and rec, I love yous, calling home
- 14 Jan: sitting reading 'feminist film theory' at uni with a soy hot chocolate, parks and rec, feeling unwell and sad
- 15 Jan: parks and rec, going to j's workshop with e and giggling like mad, driving for ages with e in her car and then going to aldi, pizza for dinner, cat card from mum "we are so proud of you for working so hard at university, and for being such a lovely person"..quizup with g before bed
- 16 Jan: quizup, pr meeting, dad's birthday, photo collage, more parks and rec
- 17 Jan: hours at uni working on pr, 2 soya hot chocolates, call from home, loud music in my headphones, craving a bath, thinking of ariel, watching parks and rec
- 18 Jan
- 19 Jan: frozen and pizza express: a lovely evening
- 20 Jan 8 1/2 hours in the library
- 21 Jan 8 1/2 hours in the library
- 22 Jan: 8 1/2 hours in the library
- 23 jan:
- 24 Jan:
- 25 Jan:
- 26 Jan:
- 27 Jan: Advertising presentation (went well), going to dylan's bar afterwards and getting a panini with ellis and akeshia. feeling better. pr meeting.
- 28 Jan: group work sucks sometimes.
- 29 Jan: pr presentation. feeling exhausted.
- 30 Jan: getting the train to southampton, getting a mac charger replacement free of charge. wandering around the shopping centre, pretzel for lunch, buying a pretty blue flowery top from zara in the sale.
- 31 Jan: Cafe Nero with e, chocolate slice, cappuccino cake, hot chocolate. 12 years a slave, teary eyes, driving home. making baking plans for 2nd feb. sending a letter home.
- 1 Feb: cleaning the flat, watching home videos, going for a run in the windy afternoon, warm shower, asda delivery, spaghetti for dinner
- 2 Feb: asda shopping, baking with e, bad lemon cake and vegan chocolate brownie, looking up new vegan recipes and planning a dinner party, listening to disney songs
- 3 Feb: lie-in, term 2 induction lecture, chats with jon and akeshia, fact and diction seminar, watching vegetation, phone call with mum, dancing to katy perry with g
- 4 Feb: 10am fact and fiction lecture, walking in the pouring rain with e, post-lecture lunch and chats (salad and baguette), working in the cafe on my dissertation, reading in the flat, watching prime
- 05 Feb: watching parks and recreation, lighting candles, reading books for dissertation, cereal for lunch, noodles for dinner, g giving me his creme egg, louis theroux
- 06 Feb: lie-in, honey cheerios as usual, my cherie amour, dissertation reading, spehgetti with spinach for dinner, helping g with his work, feeling in love, walking to lidl in the dark rainy evening feeling okay, phone call home, watching a programme about the history of sex in science
- 07 Feb: both g and I sitting at our desks working together
- 08 Feb: meeting e in the library at uni, hot chocolates, chatting about dissertation, driving me home, falling into a heap of sadness and tears, indian food takeaway, watching into the wild and crying, ♥, sleeping badly, windy outside, watching parks and rec, trying to be okay
- Ok I missed a few days
- 22 Feb: Home, walk out in the sunshine with dad, brunch with ma n pa, dissertation work, chinese food with c, bad film, feeling okay
- 23 Feb: daydreaming about pancakes, moments of clarity, dissertation, grey sky. walk to tesco with c, buying vegan pancake ingredients, making pancakes (badly), listening to soko, einaudi and juno soundtrack.
- 24 Feb: train to bournemouth, feeling nice being on my own, catch up chat with e, rubbish group meeting and presentation, kale and pepper on pizza for dinner with g, ice cream, kissing
- 25 Feb: not feeling well mentally or physically, "well done on your presentation yesterday, I really enjoyed it" (lecturer dan), hot choc with e, ok dissertation tutorial, phone chat with mum, c's burger king interview going well, watching my mad fat diary
- 26 Feb: pebble sub editing all morning/afternoon, chatting with e, going for a late afternoon walk in the sunshine with g, buying pink flowers, croissants and creme eggs. phone chat with mum. swirly pasta and 3 types of green vegetables for dinner. watching the office again when jim asks pam on their first date. watching prozac nation.
- 27 Jan: walking to winton and picking up disposable camera photos, meeting e in uni for the eating disorder awareness week talk, enlightening, hot chocolate in the cafe, talking for over 3 hours and not realising time is passing by - love, sad, sex, hopes, work, friends…
- 28 Jan: feeling unwell, feeling sad, no work done, phone chat with mum, e bringing me a large hot choc and chatting on the sofa, feeling okay, walking to winton for pizza and ice cream with g, putting kale, green beans and red pepper on the pizza, v tasty, ice cream for dessert while we watch the office, pancakes.
- 01 March: feeling so unwell (stomach ache, sickness, blocked nose, tired), naps, my mad fat diary, no work done (again), pasta for dinner, play fights, vintage fair with e tomorrow.
- 06 March: evening with e, nice music, pizza, cake baking, cake eating, working together
- 07 March: helping e pack for reading/london, back to g, feeling ok. day in bournemouth town centre, shop browsing, lunch out, wandering around, seeing the grand budapest hotel at odeon, buying a little multicoloured diary and a nice smelling candle.
- 08 March: trip to poole, walking, seeing her at the lighthouse cinema. ♥
- 09 March: walk to winton in the sunshine, buying movie snacks, watching the breakfast club in bed, feeling snuggly
- 10 March: working at uni, 3pm seminar, so tired.
- 11 March: 10am lecture, midday fresh publishing meeting, lunch with g at uni, studying, 3pm dissertation tutorial (went ok), watching hope springs and crying my eyes out. pizza for dinner. tuesday is a good day. giving e her birthday present.
- 12 March: walking in the sunshine, browsing sainsburys, buying heart shaped balloons and chocolate stars.
- 21 March: no hot water, calling estate agents all day, g pouring water on me in the bath, the woking house is ours, paint colours
- 22 March: sunshine, walking, no hot water, boiler man installing new boiler, showering together, takeaway
- 23 March: essay, wearing my dress, hot water, daytime ♥, house of cards
--- Life got a little too busy, again I failed on this list!
- 11 July: recovering from illness, first time outside in 4 days, trip to garden centre with mum, sunflower!, wearing my new dress, getting a job interview.
- 3 August: Emma coming to Woking, chats in my bedroom and in the park, dinner with family in the garden, conversations "I don't know what I am doing in life right now", "Me neither". Starting Starbucks tomorrow.
jan 4 2014 ∞
aug 3 2014 +