• 9/30/2014: (aka the dream in which i overthrew a satanic cult and killed a dude by running him through with a spear) ok this dream was very creepy... i don't even want to write about it so u can get the gist of it from the first line.
  • 9/29/2014: (aka the dream in which i found out that i like girls) ok basically a lot of stuff happened and i ended up with this really hot girl who kissed me and bit my tongue and i was very in love with her and she was so hot..she resembled like a mix of lisbeth salander and nana osaki and i really really liked her and again i experienced a rlly intense feeling in my dream that I have never experienced in reality like!!! when i woke up i was so happy and i had many happy feelings wow i wish she was real. & i guess im bisexual! amazing the things i find out when i dream
  • 9/19/2014 : i was part of this group of girls who were abducted for this rape organization where these middle aged men raped the girls whenever they felt like it (??) it was so terrifying and in my dream i was never raped but i kept feeling like i would be, like “tomorrow is going to be the day when he decides to rape me” and it was the worst feeling ever- that feeling of helplessness and powerlessness and i was just so terrified… the dream was so disturbing that i didn’t have the will to get up after my 2 alarms rung and then i wanted to die and it was so bad it wasn’t like anything i’ve ever felt before. it was so vivid too like i can’t believe that i experienced such a strong feeling in my dream rather than during consciousness…
  • 12/24/2014 : i was pregnant and i was so confused bc i didn't remember having sex with my husband so i kept telling him like, "why am i pregnant what if my womb is filled with like tennis balls rn instead of a baby bc i don't remember having sex..." and he was like whatever and we got into a fight and i was like great im going to miscarriage and then i woke up...
sep 20 2014 ∞
jan 3 2015 +