• 1/03: A pretty girl I think it was Gu Hara was using a knife to slice at my skin and I remember the details too well like it was 3 lines on my right arm and a criss cross pattern on my left and also lines on my thighs it was creepy af...I was part of this warrior fighting cult(??) ...and I think this was a different dream bc diff setting: My friend died and I cried a lot and then somehow she wasn't dead. First dream of 2015 gg;;
  • 1/19: I was late to math lab and my teacher didn't say anything but I could tell she was disappointed and I kept coughing feeling like throwing up and very sick but she didnt say anything and my classmates were all giving me awk looks and I ran away from class and was like k im going to suicide... WEIRD AF
  • 1/29: I was bleeding a lot from my arm and I looked to see why and my arm was split open in this neat straight line and I was like #o
  • 2/03: I missed math lab and then i was like o this is just like the dream where I missed math lab...living a dream while thinking about the dream but not knowing that the whole thing was a dream omfg this is some inception shit
  • 2/06: dreamed about physics...i think
  • sometime in between 2/06 and 2/22: There were more girls added to my CS class and I was like o I'm not special anymore....I have to step it up
  • 2/22: first dream: my CS teacher was mad at the class for not doing assignments on time...CS gives me so much anxiety aiya // second dream: went to an asian store and hugged a giant plushie and bought stationery
  • 5/20: ppl were listening to my Persephone mix and I was transported back in time and I was the son/daughter of some Roman important people and I had to kill someone and in the end I found that he was my father/grandfather ?
  • 8/29: Ms Wong was grading my essay and I got like a 'C' on it and I was so disappointed and ashamed

y are all my dreams about school;;;

jan 3 2015 ∞
jul 23 2016 +