• Think Again: How to Reason and Argue by Walter Sinnott-Armstrong
    • quite useful so far in terms of addressing debate etiquette
    • I do see how half-assed arguments ultimately contribute nothing to a conversation that should be more meaningful and insightful (not like that's going to change even in senior high tho lol) but there are always going to be things we'll consider unjust enough to forgo any sense of "civility," which this book misses
    • the case against (I can't remember what it's called)
  • Logic Made Easy: How to Know When Language Deceives You by Deborah J. Bennett
    • nakakatakot
  • Essays of George Orwell (Penguin Modern Classics)
    • everything around me seems deeply entrenched in politics now
aug 5 2020 ∞
aug 5 2020 +