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  • japanese gum
    • it's not like i'm a slut and or that i really like to fuck, i just want every boy i see to walk away with part of me. until there's nothing left to hold, until there's nothing left to hate. i appreciate your help but even you can't save me from myself.
    • it's not like i am weak or that i don't know how to leave, it's just that every time you cheat you bring me closer to defeat. until there's nothing left to love, until there's nothing left to say. i know that you need help but even i can't save you from yourself.
  • something to do with my hands
    • forget all those places that you've never really been and all those situations you somehow found yourself in. let your body sink into me like your favorite memory, like a line of poetry or a fucking fit of honesty.
  • you and me
    • how could so much good exist in such a tiny heart? despite of all the pain she's in, she never falls apart.
  • tech romance
aug 8 2008 ∞
aug 25 2008 +