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  • one more night
    • when she's breaking his heart she still fucks like a tease
    • you'll never touch him again so get what you can, leaving him empty just because he's a man. so good when it ends, they'll never be friends. one more night, that's all they can spend. one more night, that was a good one. the end should be a good one.
  • your ex-lover is dead
    • this scar is a fleck on my porcelain skin. tried to reach deep but you couldn't get in. now you're outside me, you see all the beauty, repent all your sin. it's nothing but time and a face that you lose. i chose to feel it and you couldn't choose.
    • live through this and you won't look back. there's one thing i want to say, so i'll be brave. you were what i wanted. i gave what i gave. i'm not sorry i met you. i'm not sorry it's over. i'm not sorry there's nothing to save.
  • calendar girl
    • the pages keep turning, i'll mark off each day with a cross and i'll laugh about all that we've lost. calendar girl who is lost to the world, stay alive.
jul 15 2008 ∞
aug 6 2008 +