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19, Philippines:The Pearl of the Orient :)

obsessed with lights, Vintage, dresses and anything indie

_"Life is an eternal quest about knowing oneself. It's time to challenge yourself, to rediscover your hidden traits, talents, and tendencies."_

Through the years of my life exploring the wonders of it, I always make a point that I must cherish and be thankful I had this life. T...

desire realm music (what I love now)
listography NEW NEWS

(Write 5 things, these can be peoples names, places, emotions, a film title, song title, band, anything that sums up your day, do it each day on your listography for a year, copy and paste this at the top of the list so people know what this list is all about. My Start Date: 12.23.2013)

12.23.2013 Domino, Country strong, barbecue stick, nostalgic, panic.

12.27.2013 Black Chocolate, Tokyo, Walking, A1, reminiscing.

1.3.2014 Look for love, rings, canteen, chubby, bangs.

dec 23 2013 ∞
jan 3 2014 +