• the beauty and essence of storm is captured in pietersite, with brilliant flashes of golden light amid churning clouds of deepest blue
  • known as the tempest stone, its highly charged energy is almost tangible
  • discharges negative energies and emotional turmoil, and cleanses the aura, restoring it to calm
  • provides a unified activation of the sacral and solar plexus chakras, as well as the third eye, creating a powerful increase in the energy of personal will and intuitive abilities
  • grounds the body's physical energy centers, not to the earth, but to etheric realms - this rare ability increases the focus of one's aim in life, enhances meditation, visionary and telepathic powers, and allows spiritual journeying and access to the akashic records
  • powerful protection stone, especially against the elements
  • calms nervous people and animals during storms, protects when driving in bad weather, and guards homes and businesses against storm damage
  • acts as a shield against the adverse effects of technology, particularly if you work long hours with a computer or live near a mobile phone mast
  • explores causative influences, increases the resolve and lends willpower in following a curative program
  • boosts self-esteem when worn consistently, it is especially empowering for creative people who lack confidence in their abilities, and as a result do not earn money from their gifts
jun 10 2018 ∞
jun 10 2018 +