the following article ideas will work for almost any place on the planet. of course if you're off to the arctic, you'll want to dress warmly and modify them. there are only thirty, but now multiply that number by various perspectives, such as family articles, sweaty-palm adventure articles, and articles for retired people. this list could keep you in topics for months. consider writing about:

  • a weekend itinerary for a location
  • where honeymooners stay
  • on the top ten places to find nightlife
  • what's free and fun in the area
  • ten restaurants where you can eat for cheap
  • a historical district
  • an area that was mentioned in a book
  • the home of a famous person
  • a local festival
  • what visitors shouldn't miss if they only have an hour in a location
  • what visitors shouldn't miss if they have a day in a location
  • what will interest seniors, shoppers, surfers
  • what will interest hobbyists
  • what will interest car and sports buffs
  • what museums are available and why visit them
  • what scenic views are perfect for artists and photographers
  • what food should be sampled, and include its history
  • the local climate
  • how to dress for daytime and evening
  • adventure travel in the location
  • difference in cruise ships
  • the most romantic places to be married (or find love)
  • what to do if you lose your wallet/passport abroad
  • safety measures when traveling and health hazards
  • traveling with pets, including unusual ones
  • traveling for the physically challenged
  • garden tours, botanic treks, eco-vacations
  • art tours
  • people who have taken extraordinary trips
  • great places to fish, swim, scuba, sail, run, walk, hike, lounge, sunbath (nude?), play tennis, bike and cycle, fall in love, meditate, rekindle a spiritual connection, create, play golf, and, well, you get the idea.
feb 23 2018 ∞
feb 23 2018 +