• as you write travel articles or write travel books, you'll be interviewing tourists and fellow travelers, travel and tour guides, adventurers, eyewitnesses, experts, and authorities. you'll also interview people on the street and locals.
  • to make the text interesting, include information as it has been said. that's dialogue. it livens up the text and validates what you have to say.
  • the standard practice for writing dialogue is that there's a new paragraph for each change of speaker. it's the "he said" "she said" stuff. "he said" and "she said" are called "tags" or "tag lines." you can use other tags than "said," yet, in journalistic style, "said" always works well.
  • if you're writing for publication, get in the habit of adding dialogue. pick up any article or book and you'll find it. it's not just for fiction writers.
  • dialogue isn't conversation. it's included to provide information.
feb 28 2018 ∞
feb 28 2018 +