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"Every single person has at least one secret that would break your heart. If we could just remember this, I think there would be a lot more compassion and tolerance in the world."

listography NEW NEWS
  • When people can't clean up after themselves or their animals that they have.
  • People who drive like fucking morons.
  • People who complain 24/7.
  • People who bitch about their relationship lives. When they have like 700 men they are sleeping with. *GAG*
  • Whores.
  • Skanks.
  • Rich girls, who get everything and anything they want-along with checks from Daddy.
  • People who use you...
  • People who lie.
  • People who suck up to professors.
  • People who are 2-faced.
  • People who let their kids come to plays and sit through them allowing them to cry.
  • People who let their children sit through church and cry...shut up...I didn't come to listen to your child be an annoying little brat.
  • PEOPLE who drive with their lights on when you're trying to look at luminaries. Um. That is why you turn your lights off? How else are you suppose to enjoy them?
  • People who don't shut off lights.
  • People who do not lock doors when they leave or double lock their car when they get out.
  • People who do not stay organized and are misplacing things all the time.
  • People who say EYE-talian and EYE-taly. It's Italian and Italy.
dec 14 2009 ∞
jan 12 2010 +