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"Every single person has at least one secret that would break your heart. If we could just remember this, I think there would be a lot more compassion and tolerance in the world."

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Work Related:

  • Once upon a time, I had this creepy table at 208. Anyway. Creepy as ev. ANYWAY I told Vickers to go deal with them because well the guy kept asking for my number. No, I am not trashy. She said she was going to send Tully over to deal with them, because he was good at that. She meant getting numbers. Idk. You may have had to have been there funniest time ever. Plus her huge cackle at her success burn.

Game Related:

  • Playing Cranium with my Grandpa instead of acting out whatever was on the card he acted out 'Creative Cat'. Funniest moment ever. If you know the game, you'll get this.
  • Playing Taboo. Ciera trying to get me to guess, Caviar. I will be all CAPS. Erin...this is fish...DUMP...NO LIKE ROUND...GUPPIES...(barely could finish after that) I go into tadpoles and she is like they LAY THEM. I totally did NOT get this at all. Woops. EGGS? WHO KNEW!

Drunk Related:

  • Walking 5.1 miles home and peeing in lawns.
  • Larissa taking a blow-job shot from some rando. Ha.
  • Singing 3OH3!
  • Who hit their head? Jamie? Log?
  • Falling down John's stairs...
  • Crying outside of John's house...on our walk home?
  • Leaving Julia and even Larissa really COOL voicemails.
  • Leaving Julia notes that make zero sense.
  • Throwing glasses across the table and shattering them.
  • Throwing salt in the air like it was confetti.
jan 2 2010 ∞
aug 14 2011 +