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"Every single person has at least one secret that would break your heart. If we could just remember this, I think there would be a lot more compassion and tolerance in the world."

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I needed to vent about OG just like JBinks (I know you love that) and Jamalamatamlam because, I too had my glory days.

  • I hate when servers fly into the alley and leave their cheese graters on the counter.
  • When servers leave their trays on the counter.
  • When people steal my towels.
  • When people dump salad in the sani-buckets.
  • When people dump shit on the ground right after I freaking swept.
  • When people walk through my pile that I just had swept.
  • When the back room looks like a bomb hit it because no one can ever find anything.
  • When people walk too slow.
  • When servers get in the way when you are trying to empty out soup. PS: It is freaking hot, thanks for dumping it all over my hands and yes I called for shells...etc...but thanks for us now having extra you idiot.
  • When you call for something and it never comes and you have to go get it.
  • Deb in the back. We have a hate/hate relationship.
  • When people leave their plates under the microwave from desserts or forks on the counter.
  • The salad LINE makes me go insane. I can't stand ANY LETTUCE on the counter and the dressing and croutons.
  • PLUS everything always needs to be stocked on that entire wall.
  • When people call me doll.
  • When people get stupid phone calls and their gfs bitch me out.
  • When Stevers calls me like 400 ring a ding times from the office when I am in cashland doing like 32535 things.
  • When Jenn asks me every second 'If I am ok...?' YES JENN THINGS HAVE YET TO CHANGE!
  • When you get to work as a togo or even a server and your alley or section is not nicely organized.
  • When the morning togo doesn't make enough desserts.
  • When the desserts are gone from the front PLEASE bring the full tray back don't just bring the one dessert how much time is it really going to save you?
  • When people come to me with like papers in 235 diff directions and they are not organized. Um. Try again.
  • When people bitch me out for having them change their tip.
  • When you get to work and NOTHING is stocked up in the morning.
  • Many servers.
  • Everyone that has a problem with me coming back.

I am thinking on only working once a month, but you just wait!

dec 14 2009 ∞
aug 14 2011 +