It has come to my attention that there are some things that annoy me very much. Here are some of them...

  • Dirt or anything else under my finger nails.
  • Comic Sans Font - it really should DIE.
  • Street Performers. Really. Annoy. Me. (Except Tim!) N.B. It seems groups of performers, like a dance group for example don't annoy me.
  • Taps being to close to the sink to get one's hands under them properly.
  • Motorbikes which roar down the street UNNECESSARILY loudly.
  • When people comment on your recently posted status rather than on your wall on Facebook to say "Hi, how are you?"
  • When the bread gets squashed and it is all a funny shape and then I go to make a sandwich/defrost it in the toaster and it doesn't work
  • When people post on someone's recently posted facebook status with a "hello, how are you?" instead of on their wall. -.-
  • Geek chic - those stupid black framed glasses
  • Those stupid shoes which should be slippers (John James from BB wears them)
  • Crocs shoes
  • When I'm listening to music and think of writing a sentence which ends in a word which rhymes with what i've just heard, thinking that will be brilliant as it rhymes, then realising it won't as the line I listened to isn't in the text, i'm not writing poetry and it doesn't matter anyway

Amd finally, my pet peeve is:

  • The wrong 'your'/'you're' use. My nerdy side can't handle wonky grammar, and automatically corrects it for you, but I get very annoyed when people use "your" instead of "you're (you are)" (and vice versa).

Here is a helpful quote:

"Y-o-u-r means 'your'. Y-o-u-'-r-e means 'you are'." ~ Ross, Friends.

Which brings us onto Ross from Friends (unhelpfully not "finally" then lol). I don't hate and get annoyed by him, but he is a bit of a loser ;)

Mess doesn't bother me. I sit and look at it as I search for meaning. Ha.

jun 14 2010 ∞
dec 7 2010 +