- ☑ your best friend
- ▢⠀your partner
- ▢⠀an estranger
- ▢⠀someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to
- ▢⠀a deceased person you wish you could talk to
- ▢⠀the person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
- ▢⠀someone you've drifted away from
- ▢⠀someone from your childhood
- ▢⠀the person that you wish you could be
- ▢⠀someone that pesters your mind — good or bad
- ▢⠀the one that broke your heart the hardest
- ▢⠀someone you judged by their first impression
- ▢⠀the person that gave you your favourite memory
- ▢⠀someone that changed your life
- ▢⠀the reflection in your mirror
feb 9 2024 ∞
jan 24 2025 +