⸻⠀ 𝑧𝑒𝑟𝑜
- first contact: feb 2012
- current age: 4 y/o
- role: ex-inner voice
- image: swiss shepherd
- fun facts: i think he was an unconscious manifestation of kiryu zero and ghost (because he's also the 'albino' and last one from his litter.) i'm very attached to him n i cried for days when he had to leave. he's my oldest headmate in terms of companionship.
⸻⠀ 𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑎
- first contact: oct 2015
- current age: 18 y/o
- role: freudian id, socionics suggestive
- image: white dragon and girl
- fun facts: when she first appeared i hated her so much i used to lock her in a strangling cage. since my early 20s i've been taking care of her. she's now my precious baby, but she's kinda socially inept. she can change her dragon size willingly.
⸻⠀ 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑙
- first contact: jan 2019
- current age: ageless, void (?)
- role: inner voice, freudian superego
- image: he's like grown up ghost, except for an owl mask for the face, long, pointy black ears, and thin legs ending in deer hooves. he also has a quadruped form that is half the size of dana.
- fun facts: he's more attached to me than i am to him. he swore to never leave my side n has separation anxiety. he took zero's place when he had to leave. he has an apartment in france.
⸻⠀ 𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑜𝑛
- first contact: ??? 2011
- current age: ?? y/o
- role: headmaster, inner architect/designer
- image: thin man with a barn owl's face. he wears brown n white clothes.
- fun facts: he's not malevolent at all, but his personality doesn't help me to exist. he assigns headmates to me n takes care of my inner world's aesthetics.
⸻⠀ 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑤 / 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑛
- first contact: oct 2024
- current age: ?? y/o
- role: demonic creature, core fear
- image: he looks like dell, but has a human face, long black hair, wide eyes, and a sharp smile that never falters. he carries a spiral sword as weapon.
- fun facts: when he got in control of my heart i truly felt possessed n sick. i spent two days shaking n feeling paranoid because i kept getting hurt for no reason. got rid of him after asking dell to kill him. he came back to hurt n kill me, but nowadays he's under control.
nov 24 2024 ∞
dec 29 2024 +