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The Way I See People

A few thoughts on the human mind and what I consider makes a person a legend or a waster. Basically, how I differentiate between the people I like and hang out with and the people I dislike and actively disassociate myself from.

  • People interest me.
  • People who are different without actively trying to be interest me the most.
  • People who use every opportunity to voice how original and unique they are interest me the least. These are the people who say they don't care what people think but ultimately care more than anyone else. These are the people who genuinely want people to notice them and are desperate for people to give them some kind of reaction. These people are pathetic.
  • Attention seeking and an ego are not bad characteristics in my book as long they contain a certain self-awareness. Anyone with these qualities must also be open to self-deprecation and have a tongue in cheek attitude to themselves.
  • I see two types of unawareness in people -
    • Naivety
    • Ignorance
  • There are many types of naivety but naivety is good. Naivety is humble and funny.
  • Ignorance is a personal choice to ignore other people's opinions and beliefs. Ignorance is bad.
  • Over the course of university I like to think that I've gravitated away from some of the ignorance I perhaps had when I started. When I raise an opinion now, even if it's controversial, I need to be able to back it up.
  • I can be quite insensitive at times and sometimes, with the benefit of hindsight, I can see I've gone too far. It's a character flaw based on my own self confidence combined with the fact I sometimes forget other people aren't as secure in themselves as I am.
  • I regret going over the line or being too harsh on the occasions I do but in my mind sometimes it pays to go over the line to be the guy I want to be. I don't like biting my tongue if I disagree with something even with my friends and sometimes this means I overstep the mark.
  • There are very few people I actually dislike. Once in my inner circle it is practically impossible for you to do anything that actually pisses me off. You can annoy me, sure, but these annoyances are things I accept knowing how (purposefully) irritating and (intentionally) cruel I myself can be.
  • Trying to be civil to someone I dislike eats away at me.

So concludes a brief investigation into the inner workings of my mind and how I see other people. Stay tuned for part two where I will be tackling such issues as boredom and stereotypes.

jun 10 2010 ∞
jan 1 2016 +