• I am suspicious that people will read my private journal
  • I have to know what's playing on every channel before I watch a tv show
  • I like to dust the crumbs off of food so they don't fall off my clothes
  • I also dust off my feet before I get in bed
  • I won't turn off the light until I get in bed
  • My first inclination when I wake up is to know what time it is
  • I am left-handed
  • I hate when people leave without saying goodbye. I also like to know where they're going
  • One of my favorite things is to change my sheets and take a shower
  • I don't know how to put change in my wallet quickly
  • Hair grosses me out. A lot.
  • When eating a bagel, I poke out the excess cream cheese and reapply it as necessary for equal distribution
  • I also eat the parts of a sandwich that stick out first
  • I also will move 3x at dinner so everyone is equal around the table
  • I have a knack for picking up tunes but not words
  • I have a document called 'Fragments,' where I save everything I write that doesn't make it into a final poem, chronologically organized
  • if it's not obvious already, minor hoarding tendencies
  • I tend to diagnose myself with any mental health problem that I might be reading about
  • When I'm stressed out, I like to color code my closet, even though I'm not very neat
nov 2 2009 ∞
apr 2 2010 +