- I-70 & points west: Grave Creek Mound in WV, Newark Earthworks in OH, Columbus, Yellow Springs, eclipse, Hocking Hills OH, Cranesville Swamp
- Frederick County & MoCo, MD: hike Sugarloaf Mtn, visit the vineyard, the lavendar farm, if it's October visit Markoff's haunted forest & cursed villag... "where our DJ keeps the vibes going all night long", Monocacy Battlefield, Nolands Ferry Archeological Site
- Tilghman Island, MD - Paw Paw Cove
- Susquehanna River kayak - rock art and visit eel weirs
- Meadowcroft Rock Shelter in PA
apr 16 2024 ∞ apr 17 2024 +
A guy hears about a cool historical thing somewhere else, and then says I bet we have that in my hometown and starts digging. And he's right!
- guy who discovered Steppe Geoglyphs in Kazakhstan
- "In March 2007, Mr. Dey was at home watching a program, “Pyramids, Mummies and Tombs,” on the Discovery Channel. “There are pyramids all over the earth,” he recalled thinking. “In Kazakhstan, there should be pyramids, too." Soon, he was searching Google Earth images of Kostanay and environs."
- guy who discovered Glastonbury Lake Village
- "The lake village was discovered in 1892 by local medical student Arthur Bulleid, whose father was a local mayor and the founder of the Glastonbury Antiquarian Society. Bulleid had heard about the lake vil...
jun 8 2023 ∞ oct 3 2023 +
- sunrise and sunset from the same balcony in Frisco, NC (set to the operatic sounds of Akhenaten)
- at least 12 more solar eclipses
- double sunrise over Trescovăț at Lepenski Vir
- find a really good full moon rise viewing spot in Baltimore
mar 14 2023 ∞ mar 14 2023 +
- Chernobyl (tv)
- Dark (tv)
- Fall of Civilizations podcast
- 20020 (web...comic?)
- The Human Cosmos (book that Sam sent me!)
- MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name)
- Li Ziqi videos, each one even more than the last
- The Sandman comics
- "Time" - XKCD
- Encanto
- Everything Everywhere All At Once
- Russian Doll
- Prey
- Ducks, Kate Beaton
- Beforeigners
- 1899
- Naomi Novik Scholomance series
- Babel
- Pathogenesis
jan 26 2021 ∞ dec 5 2023 +
- Tim Rice and Tim Curry
- Ingrid Bergman and Ingmar Bergman
- Archibald Leach and Archibald MacLeish
- David Lloyd George and Andrew Lloyd Webber
- Annie Proulx and Annie Dillard
like almost to the point where I think I must have made one of them up
also: I'm not confused but they are confusing -
- Samuel Coleridge-Taylor and Samuel Taylor Coleridge
- Richard Burton (actor) and Richard Burton (explorer)
- Daniel Dae Kim and Daniel Day Lewis
apr 10 2019 ∞ jun 13 2023 +
maybe this will be the time when I actually start reading again
- Sunday in Baltimore, Rally HQ
- Buried Deep and Other Stories, Naomi Novik
- How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them, Jason Stanley
- Jane Austen, the Secret Radical, Helena Kelly (a)
- Massacre at Montsegur: A History of the Albigensian Crusade, Zoe Oldenbourg
- The Mercies, Kiran Millwood Hargrave
- A House with Good Bones, T. Kingfisher
- The Power Broker, Vol 2, Robert A. Caro (a)
- Strokes of Genius: A History of Swimming, Eric Chaline - 2025
- SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome, Mary Beard (a)
- The Mysteries, Bill Watterson and John Kascht
jan 30 2018 ∞ mar 16 2025 +
oct 23 2018 ∞ aug 7 2023 +
for all the Starbucks lovers / who tell me I'm insane
- "I...wanna rock and roll all night...and part of every day"
- "All I wanna do is (gunshots) (cash register noise) put a check in your leg"
- "Cocaine and chicken with your friends/ If Eve ain't in your garden you know that you can..."
aug 19 2018 ∞ aug 21 2021 +
- James Franco --> Kim Jong-un
- Elon Musk --> Amber Heard; the color yellow
- Hillary Clinton --> James Comey
- James Comey --> James Comey
apr 25 2018 ∞ may 23 2018 +
- Mr. Trouble
- Hazelnut
- Professor Hazelnut
feb 21 2018 ∞ feb 21 2018 +
There's a moon in the sky / it's called The Moon
- donned eclipse glasses after careful inspection for scratches
- drank a Blue Moon
- do we think this is really going to happen or will it be cloudy or they got the day wrong like in Tycho Brahe's time
- oh wow it's happening
- checked out various pinhole projections and crescent shadows cast by leaves on trees
- felt like the light was getting weird?
- drank a Corona
- thought about 13 year old Tycho Brahe ("he may know the law of all things...") watching the eclipse 457 years ago today and poured one out for him, and also for the sun which gives us life and sustains us
- the light got really weird
- omigod it's really happening there's a hole in the sky where the sun's supposed to...
aug 22 2017 ∞ aug 22 2017 +
- Delicate Arch, Arches National Park
- Nightscape at Longwood Gardens, with the lights under the lilypads
- Some parts of LA that you think at first are new and movie set glossy, but then it's real when you peel it back, magic turtles all the way down (tiny octopus in the tide pools; moonrise and watching a star or two come out under the open sky at a Hollywood Bowl concert; Dia de los Muertos at Hollywood Forever Cemetery)
- Dawn above the clouds at Cordes-sur-Ciel
- Anywhere there's a total solar eclipse
- Bath, England - Sulis still lingers
To visit
oct 31 2016 ∞ jun 8 2023 +
- 2014: The Quiet Ameri-Cantaloupe
- I just put some fallen dominoes on a plate with cantaloupe slices, and people were like ...??????
- 2015: A Cantaloupe for Leibowitz
- warning: contained spoilers (and gluten)
- 2015 again: The Very Hungry Canterpillar
- it was so f'ing cute, and I took home a People's Choice Award!
- 2016: We Have Always Lived in the Cantaloupe
- also: Everything is Dill-uminated
- 2019: The Count-aloupe of Monte Cristo
- won the Best Series award
"cantaloupe themed leftist classics" are my jam
jul 30 2015 ∞ dec 30 2019 +
- Twilight --> Pitch Perfect
- I think that everyone is the hero of their own story, and I'm so glad that Anna Kendrick's didn't end with her pregnant by a vampire at age 19.
- X-Files, Fifty Shades of Grey --> The Fall, Hannibal
- How can anyone look at Jaime Dornan after this oeuvre and not feel their skin crawl??
- Agent Scully got really turned around at some point and her fashion sense improved and now she's blonde somehow, but leaning in real close to throatily whisper "obfuscate" in your ear is still her calling card
- An American President --> The West Wing
- Jed Bartlett got promoted!
feb 7 2015 ∞ jun 29 2021 +
- Cook
- Sit up straight
- Talk to humans
may 29 2014 ∞ may 29 2014 +
- Thurgood Marshall
- Everyone in season 6 of Buffy
- wasn't there some stuff with Gandhi?
- seems cheap to put Lance Armstrong and John Edwards on here, but I guess I admired them at one point
- actually Justice Harlan's lone dissent in Plessy was pretty racist
- wait does this count? Harlan was never my hero, but I did admire that dissent before I read the whole thing
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg: "The Supreme Court moved too fast on Roe v. Wade" (thanks a lot RBG, said every woman who would've had to get a horror show Dirty Dancing-esque back alley abortion while waiting for individual states to get around to legalizing it)
- every framer of American democracy who owned slaves and believed in manifest desti...
may 4 2014 ∞ apr 17 2017 +
- "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"
- "A tweet in the hand is worth two in the cloud"
I really like this concept. Help think of more! Maura, what were the others people already came up with?
jan 8 2014 ∞ jan 8 2014 +
- Sorrel
- Belladonna
- Rue
- Angelica
- Poppy
- Juniper
- Saffron
- Tansy
Someday I'm going to use these lists of names to write the awesomest novel evar.
sep 30 2013 ∞ sep 30 2013 +
- Miranda
- Gideon
- Terry
- Brown
- Katz
- Alice
Or characters for my NOVEL, someday.
may 1 2013 ∞ may 31 2018 +
- Enthusiasm: inspiration or possession by a divine afflatus or by the presence of a god (from Greek enthousiasmos: entheos-inspired, from en- + theos (god))
- Decimate: to reduce by a factor of ten; especially as a punishment for mutinous or deserting soldiers or captured enemy combatants
feb 11 2013 ∞ feb 11 2013 +
- Spear throwers
- Animal husbandry
- The idea of pets
- Artificial fire starting
- Monogamy
feb 3 2013 ∞ feb 3 2013 +
Shows I've Watched All The Way Through Since Starting Law School
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Angel
- Dollhouse
- Sherlock
- Community
- Once Upon a Time
Other Shows I've Watched In Law School But Stopped Partway Through When They Jumped The Shark/Turned Space Opera/Got Boring
- Heroes
- Glee
- Big Bang Theory
- Twin Peaks
Shows I Used To Watch Before Law School
- Occasional social Star Trek
sep 23 2012 ∞ sep 23 2012 +
- Simple Gifts
- Peace Like a River
- Baby I'm An Anarchist
Memory is a crazy woman that hoards colored rags and throws away food. ~Austin O'Malley
may 1 2012 ∞ may 1 2012 +
dec 1 2011 ∞ dec 1 2011 +
With Listography as my witness
- CDs I own
- Things I need at the grocery store
- All My Friends
- Pet names!
oct 3 2011 ∞ oct 3 2011 +
jun 28 2011 ∞ jan 19 2013 +
- 20,000 honeybees
- Pasta maker
- Life sized cut out of Joseph Gordon-Levitt
- Chickens
- Pellet gun for shooting the chicken-sized rats who eat the chicken feed
may 18 2011 ∞ may 18 2011 +
Any clarification would be appreciated.
- Why did Gandalf invite Bilbo along on that treasure hunt when he already had an ample party of dwarves?
- I should probably go back and read the Hobbit again, maybe they explain it there.
- Why was it secret that Aragorn is the king?
- Or was it not even secret? Everyone seemed to know except Sauron and the barman in Bree.
- Related: Why were the Dunedain dicking around in Eriador when they could have been ruling in Gondor?
- Where do all the new dwarves come from? Do dwarves die of natural causes, absent balrogs and orcs and fights with elves?
apr 4 2011 ∞ mar 4 2014 +
For when I have money
- Reiki
- Craniosacral massage
- Feldenkrais method
- developed by a nuclear physicist??
- Kundalini??
- Hypnotism
- regular
- past life regression
- Meditation
- Rolfing
- maybe not, I hear it's painful and leaves bruises
- BUT: Hellerwork!
- Other massage
mar 23 2011 ∞ may 15 2011 +
- The Odyssey
- The Tomorrow People
dec 24 2010 ∞ dec 24 2010 +
- Kardashians: Antagonists in next Star Trek series
- Mashup of Salt-N-Pepa's "Let's Talk About Sex Baby" and Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe": "Call Me and Let's Talk About Sex, Maybe"
- as a tool for sex ed classes to get kids talking about sex and relationships and why communication is so important in both
- and maybe they also throw something in about the legal consequences of underage sexting
and that did happen
- Lt. Uhura recruited Sally Ride to NASA
dec 16 2010 ∞ dec 10 2018 +
"There is another world, but it is in this one."
- Ewa Wisnierska
- 35 year old Polish paraglider
- did not technically fall, but ok seriously, what the fuck
- key themes: lightning, miraculous survival against all odds, the other guy died, she continues to be a champion paraglider
- Juliane Kopcke
- 17 year old German student
- key themes: Werner Herzog (who was supposed to be on the flight); Aguirre, Wrath of God; miraculous lone survival; narrow misses; failed expeditions; bats (she is now a renowned mammologist)
- OMG bats, also coming up a lot lately
- from NYT
dec 12 2010 ∞ jul 1 2021 +
- Shana: Hey Kaia, should I go to law school?
- Kaia: Yeah you should go to school!
- S: Ok...should I go to school in Seattle or somewhere else?
- K: You should go somewhere else!
- S: Why?
- K: Because you're not scared!
Note: Kaia is 2 1/2 years old and to her, going to school=fun activity that gets to happen when I learn to poop in the toilet!
nov 25 2010 ∞ nov 25 2010 +
- "A deep, red Burgundy" ~Bennett, on return from France
- Nebbiolo from Sutra pairing list: "subtle at first, but then it hits you with the goodies" ~Amber (this one was a real coup)
I know three makes a Children's Treasury of [insert category], but I couldn't resist.
nov 5 2010 ∞ nov 5 2010 +
- Da*vid Br*nstein
- M*tt Pol*nd
- G*ne St*lp
Sometimes when I am around these people I feel like I am a supporting character in a secret TV show about them.
oct 1 2010 ∞ jan 11 2022 +
- The Sparrow/Children of God
- Alien life exists, some Jesuits go there and get tortured, an entire civilization crumbles, but DNA sequencing produces...the most beautiful music ever? What?
- Hope you didn't want to read that book cause that's the whole plot.
- A Prayer for Owen Meany
- We practiced this lay up for ten years and saved some orphaned refugees! Well...no. We didn't end the Vietnam War. Most disappointing John Irving ending ever.
- Harry Potter
sep 1 2010 ∞ sep 1 2010 +
- "I like what you've done with the place!"
- "Let me check my calendar; I think I may be busy that night."
- "Be sure to keep me 'au courant'!"
aug 2 2010 ∞ aug 2 2010 +
- Water plants
- Floss
- Shake tinctures
- Clean litterbox
- Practice violin
- Take calcium/mag/vitamin D in the morning, babykiller at night
jul 8 2010 ∞ jul 16 2010 +
- Wide Open Spaces--Dixie Chicks
- Maria, Maria--Santana
- Tearin Up My Heart--'N Sync
You think you know a song.
may 3 2010 ∞ may 3 2010 +
- Analyze problem
- Make copious to do lists, repeat each item under different bullet points at least six times throughout list anthology
- Freak out at all the little pieces of paper
- Consolidate lists
- Fold up unnecessary lists three times and place in back right pocket to be recycled later
- Smile approvingly at the now consolidated comprehensive list
- Eat food, watch youtube videos
- Start on page four of list, work backwards until page is messy with crossouts
- Rewrite list
- [this step lost to posterity]
- Project due tomorrow; hastily tack on introduction/diorama/puff paint/LED and turn...
feb 20 2010 ∞ feb 20 2010 +
- ride roughshod
- denizens of the deep
- Governor's mansion
- burnish [one's] credentials
- aided and abetted
- Why do you never see "abetted" alone? It literally always needs to be aided and.
jan 30 2010 ∞ jun 4 2010 +
- Gettysburg
- Sunken garden nursery
- Maura at school
- Bookstore
- Hershey
- Wolf sanctuary b&b
- Wildwood
- Stoney Creek and crab cakes
- Baltimore
- Visionary Art Museum
- Aquarium
- Pine Grove Furnace and that Mennonite candy store
- Amish country
- Capitol building
- State Museum
- Audrey and Cameron
- Dickinson
dec 19 2009 ∞ jan 4 2010 +
nov 25 2009 ∞ nov 25 2009 +
oct 24 2009 ∞ jan 4 2010 +
The time is now. Maybe?
- Law school
- Farm/husband animals--this summer??
- Master Gardener class?
- Orcas Island?
- Cocoa farm in Nicaragua with Meaghan?
- Travel
- Go home
- Go far away from home
- Come back
- Stay away
- Become an astronaut, die in space
- Broadcast journalism?
aug 27 2009 ∞ nov 15 2009 +
- 1491
- Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
- All The Shah's Men
- King Leopold's Ghost
- Guns, Germs, and Steel
- A People's History of the United States
- Blackwater
- Tin Horns and Calico
- Banana
apr 26 2009 ∞ apr 19 2010 +
- The Prophet
- Pride and Prejudice
- The Doomsday Book
- Harry Potter (esp. 1, 6, and 7)
apr 1 2009 ∞ apr 1 2009 +
jan 27 2009 ∞ jan 27 2009 +
- The girl in The Secret Garden movie
- The girl Let the Right One In
- Brod in Everything is Illuminated
- Ok, not really fictional, but someone on OkCupid told me I look like a female Nicolas Cage
jan 11 2009 ∞ feb 2 2013 +
which make me a socialist
- From Within the Context of No Context by George W.S. Trow ("an extremely weird book famous among weirdos that was published in 1980" ~IOZ?):
- "MEMBERSHIP: The middle distance fell away, so the grids (from small to large) that had supported the middle distance fell into disuse and ceased to be understandable. Two grids remained. The grid of the two hundred million and the grid of intimacy. Everything else fell into disuse. There was a national life—a shimmer of national life—and intimate life. The distance between these two grids was very great. The distance was very frightening. People did not want to measure it."
- From Wendell Berry's "The Unsettling of America":
dec 20 2008 ∞ jan 3 2009 +
They've perfected the mechanics of teleportation you say?
- Mid-January: Harrisburg for the Pennsylvania Farm Show
- February: Cameroon, to spend the bleak midwinter on the beach, receiving dozens of offers of "La blanche! Sois ma valentine!"
- March: Orcas Island for the greenness of the forest primeval
- Early May: Glen Rock, PA for the Fairie Festival
- Mid June to 4th of July: Seattle for Fremont Solstice and naked biking and then barbecues, homespun capitalism, and substances
- Summer: East Coast USA for afternoon thunderstorms that break through heavy, ponderous heat like an orgasm or mine explosion
- Fall: Middle of a pumpkin patch or corn m...
dec 11 2008 ∞ jan 24 2009 +
"Look around you, he said. There is no prophet in the earth's long chronicle who's not honored here today. Whatever form you spoke of you were right."
The end of the world comes often.
- World War Z
- Cat's Cradle
- A Canticle for Leibowitz
- The Road
- Everything Is Illuminated
- Oryx and Crake
Also, less effective but similarly horrifying Apocalypse Cinema:
- The Day After Tomorrow
- Apocalypto
- Children of Men
dec 10 2008 ∞ oct 7 2021 +
- The way humanity is an echo chamber of the sadnesses of others
- What if Listography is my greatest achievement in life?
- Animal abuse
- That huge island of discarded plastics floating in the Pacific Ocean, next to the dwindling supply and impending extinction of beautiful, beautiful sea glass
nov 27 2008 ∞ nov 27 2008 +
- I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry
- Except for this line: "Gay basher bashed at gay bash"
- And Lance Bass's cameo
- Gordy
- Punch Drunk Love
- The 45 minutes of Devdas I watched
nov 27 2008 ∞ nov 30 2008 +
"This is love, she thought, isn't it? When you notice someone's absence and hate that absence more than anything? More, even, than you love his presence?"
To make a mix tape of!
- Amelie: Nino and Amelie tenderly kiss parts of each other's faces as the cat looks on drowsily
- Ferngully: Zach and Krista's spectacular midair kiss to the haunting strains of A Dream Worth Keeping (had to look that title up)
- A&E Pride and Prejudice: every scene where Colin Firth looks at Lizzy, ardently, admiringly, and like he'll never get the rest of his brain back or even miss it
- Robin Hood: Robin and Marian as little foxes, together at twilight, surrounded by a hundred thousand fireflies, to a song called simply, "Love"
- Brokeback Mountain: Jack's flashback to B...
nov 12 2008 ∞ jan 11 2021 +
nov 7 2008 ∞ nov 7 2008 +
- Planetarium shows
- Sea glass
- Uno
- Zombie fiction
- Frat Haus' projector setup
- Jam sessions
- Some comics on this website
nov 8 2008 ∞ dec 11 2008 +
- UW's "creepily gothic library" (thanks The Stranger!)
- Discovery Park
- DIY shows
- Frye Art Museum Napoleon on the Nile exhibit
- www.planetjanetart.com
sep 22 2008 ∞ mar 7 2010 +
sep 11 2008 ∞ jun 26 2013 +
aug 27 2008 ∞ sep 22 2008 +
aug 27 2008 ∞ oct 21 2008 +
- Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife (from the library)
- Twilight (in bookstores)
- New Moon (in bookstores)
- Probably Eclipse and Breaking Dawn pretty soon (in bookstores)
- A trashy romance novel which I can't remember the title of (from the library)
- Hardball by Chris Matthews^
The fact that I haven't actually bought any of these books is a comfort to me.
^...except for Hardball, which I had to buy for a class.
aug 21 2008 ∞ aug 21 2008 +
- Christiane Amanpour
- Louise Erdrich
- Q'Orianka Kilcher
- All female yoga teachers
aug 13 2008 ∞ sep 18 2008 +
- The Prophet
- Everything Is Illuminated
- Cat's Cradle
- The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse
- The World According to Garp
- Oryx and Crake
- The Poisonwood Bible
- One Hundred Years of Solitude
aug 13 2008 ∞ oct 21 2008 +
- The Penelope Tangent
- Zombie Contingency Plan
- Fetus Fuck The Man
- The Abilene Paradox (actually a current band name)
- Hello Lamppost
- Sane Clown Posse
- Room for Error
aug 13 2008 ∞ apr 13 2010 +
- in Canada milk comes in a plastic bag and every household has a special milk bag opening tool
- Canada doesn't have postcard stamps
mar 21 2025 ∞ mar 21 2025 +
oct 3 2023 ∞ oct 3 2023 +
jun 13 2023 ∞ jun 13 2023 +
apr 3 2023 ∞ may 31 2023 +
- crypto is astrology for straight men
- crypto is mary kay for young men
- astrology is queer sports
- sports is just gossip for men
- Harbor Freight is Target for men
(thanks to Sam & Chris & Maura's coworker for their contributions to this list)
Things that are just Gossip in formalwear
- The news
- History
- Sports
- Literature, originally
- Religion
- The judicial system
jan 18 2022 ∞ sep 6 2024 +
aug 29 2020 ∞ feb 10 2025 +
- Walter Duranty Award for Good and Definitely Truthful Journalism
- Eugen Fischer Prize for First Doing No Harm
- runner up: Dr. Mehmed Reshid
- second runner up: Dr. Walter Freeman
- third runner up: Senator Dr. Rand Paul, who cast the lone vote against coronavirus emergency funding days before being diagnosed with it himself, is ultra concerned about getting drone attacked in a bar or restaurant, but still eating from the communal jar of congressional jellybeans
- Jared Kushner Endowed^ Chair in Successful Management of a Big Boy Portfolio
^check has not yet cleared
I love this list because even if I never accomplish anything positive in my life I can still aspire to break even and go to the Medium Place.
mar 16 2017 ∞ mar 23 2020 +
- "Transformers: it's what the eye meets more than"
- "Mastercard: it's what's there's for everything else"
- "Evil: it's what not to Google"
- "Maybelline: it's what she's maybe born with, or maybe...?"
I feel like we had more of these? This list is like 17 yrs old and I just remembered it.
sep 24 2018 ∞ sep 24 2018 +
- American Visionary Art Museum
- check out the basement for art with a fart
- The Museum of Jurassic Technology
- like what even, in this world or in heaven, Horatio
- I forget what it was called, this weird sugar museum in this tiny fairy tale town in France, full elaborate statues made of sugar
- The Met
- the experience of seeing Repin's portrait of Garshin was like nothing I have experienced before, as if the eyes of Garshin himself stared back at me, despairing but forgiving, and the effect of the whole painting - the hazily drawn, impressionistic books and desk and hands of the writer...
jul 6 2017 ∞ feb 21 2018 +
- Marc Chagall, stateless after the Russian civil war, traveled to France on a Nansen passport
- named for explorer, scientist, diplomat, humanitarian, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, and developer of that document for refugees, Fridtjof Nansen
- who skiied across Greenland with Norwegian-Sami explorer Samuel Balto
- namesake of Balto, lead sled dog on the 1925 serum run to Nome
- who, in the animated film loosely based on that journey, is voiced by Kevin Bacon.
feb 5 2018 ∞ feb 5 2018 +
- Groundhog's Day: Groundhog's Day
- springtime: Enchanted April
- summer: Dirty Dancing, Stranger Things season 3
- end of summer turning to fall: Witches of Eastwick,
- Fall-oween: Hocus Pocus, Buffy season 4 episode "Fear, itself", Wishbone Sleepy Hollow episode, Over the Garden Wall, Stranger Things seasons 1 & 2
- Xmas/new years/winter: Desk Set, The Hudsucker Proxy, Moonstruck, Gremlins, While You Were Sleeping
oct 17 2017 ∞ oct 19 2022 +
apr 18 2016 ∞ jan 2 2017 +
- "the view from 30,000 feet"
- "not in my wheelhouse"
- "can we table this?"
- "let's circle back"
- "target the low-hanging fruit"
- "slice of the proverbial pie"
- "I'm just spitballing here"
- "above my pay grade"
- "not to put too fine a point on it"
- "where the rubber meets the road"
- "we don't have a dog in this fight"
- "whose ox is being gored"
- "nature of the beast"
- "whole hog"
- "what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander"
- "get our ducks in a row"
- "let's put a pin in that"
- "moving parts"
- "pull the trigger"
- "not let the perfect be the enemy of the ...
jan 31 2013 ∞ mar 13 2025 +
- Marat/Sade
- "Oh THAT'S what they need the bathtub for."
- The Imitation Game
- "I don't want to see that because the ending's too sad."
feb 9 2015 ∞ feb 9 2015 +
- Bridge Over the River Chai / Thai
- Blintz and Blintzability
- Fried and Breadjudice
- The Frying of Latke 49
- The Little Blitnz
- Peter Flan
- The Cobbit
- Look Homeward Angel Cake / Look Sconeward Angel
- Guns, Germs, and Steelhead
- Everything is Dill-uminated with electric pickle lamp!
- The Heart is a Lonely Bundt Cake
- To Grill a Mockingbird
From Mom
- The Kung Pao of Pooh
- Milagro Bean Dip Wars
- The Bell Pepper Jar
- Portnoy’s Compote
- The Dharma Crumbs
- Under the Tuscan Bun
jul 31 2015 ∞ sep 6 2015 +
- from the Maryland Bar Examiners: "We believe that the properly prepared applicant, with a proper understanding of the Examination and a lawyer-like approach to the questions will demonstrate his or her competence with not too much difficulty."
- from Liz T's work mentor: "Every point over passing is a wasted summer day."
- from Aunt Dolly: "You will do well and just try to relax a bit and let me worry for you. I excel at worrying."
- from Sam: "aaaack! you are going to knock them totally dead! just imagine the parties in every case naked, all of them! I know you can do it!"
may 28 2014 ∞ aug 12 2014 +
- Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice: "There was a mixture of sweetness and archness in her manner which made it difficult for her to affront anybody."
- it goes on: "...and Darcy had never been so bewitched by any woman as he was by her. He really believed, that were it not for the inferiority of her connections, he should be in some danger." LOL OOPS
- Mary Bennett from Pride and Prejudice: "Mary wished to say something very sensible, but knew not how."
- Zeb from MaddAddam: "Eating the local foods was a principle of his."
- you realize how totally serious Zeb is about this after you read the Chuck storyline
- Doc Homer from Animal Dreams: "God, why does a mortal man have children? It is sen...
feb 7 2014 ∞ apr 2 2018 +
jun 5 2014 ∞ jun 5 2014 +
- started rewatching the X-Files for the first time since childhood and noticed that Skinner is actually kind of hot
- hangovers
- Winona Ryder as Spock's mom
- people congratulate you for "a very successful meeting"
- Snapchat is confusing
- Email management strategies make for lively dinner conversation, and "how's your knee doing" starts to become a go-to small talk opener
- Now find Aragorn much hotter than Legolas
Last barriers to formal adulthood
- I don't have a bedframe, mattress and box spring sit directly on the floor
- Only use one space after period.
nov 8 2013 ∞ feb 1 2021 +
- "begs the question"
- "sufficiently catholic"
- land bank
- 3-D printing
- amortization
- middens
- so people threw their oyster shells on a trash pile for generations and then one day they just moved their houses up there?
- also all archaeology i guess
aug 1 2013 ∞ may 21 2019 +
- TV show based on the reintegration into society of tortoise trapped for 30 years in family'...
- suggestions for pilot episode, courtesy of Sam: "I wonder how the turtle reacted to news events, like the Falkland Islands or the premiere and cancellation of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"
- Historical fiction of the life and times of Mitochondrial Eve
- Toga-ripper about the Eleusinian Mysteries (with home recipes! Alcibiades-style)
- Sequel to E.T. where elderly E.T. reflects on hir experiences on this planet, on the eve of hir people's battle to conquer Earth
- Ok, OR! An alien contact story where everything goes right, for a change. Like E.T. comes back as captain of a ship and ze seeks out Elliott and they kick it one la...this, or some sort of Men in Black spinoff. O...
jan 31 2013 ∞ sep 26 2018 +
- "Oh balls"
- "Blerg!"
- "Larb"
jan 9 2013 ∞ jan 9 2013 +
I really thought I'd made this list already. Let me know if you find it somewhere.
- The first lady of Cameroon
- Live, wild, territorial hippos
- Ralph Nader
- Possibly rabid dog on Israel/Jordan border
- Donald Rumsfeld and banana
- Magnus Carlsen playing chess
jun 29 2012 ∞ aug 24 2017 +
why did you cross off all my indented underneath comments about things i'd crossed off because i finished them?? this fails to capture my narrative voice!!
dec 4 2011 ∞ dec 4 2011 +
OMG SO EXCITING!!1! http://curriculum.law.ucla.edu/
- Prison Law with Dolovich
- Prof Motomura
- Prof Gomez recommends
- Business associations/corporations with Scott Cummings, who is also in the PILP faculty
- Federal jurisdiction/fed courts with Jon Varat (who will retire after next year)
- Con Law II (1st amend) with Goldstein.
- Maybe choice of laws/conflicts of laws with Spillenger.
- Sounds awful but probably should take it anyway
- Administrative Law
- Environmental Law
- Land Use Regulation w/ Zasloff
- Something called "Rebellious Lawyering Workshop"
nov 11 2011 ∞ mar 7 2012 +
- "It has been reliably confirmed by government officials, who must remain anonymous, that each contact with Congress on this issue directly correlates with the daring rescue of one indescribably cuddly kitten from the Cheney kitchen by our brave and faithful sailors at the US Naval Observatory, but don't spread this around."
- "So far, so what."
- "No person, idea, or experience is worthless. You can always use them as a bad example."
- "Once you get your law degree and your chemical engineering degree and your badge and your gun, you're gonna put a lotta sons of bitches in jail."
aug 7 2011 ∞ aug 7 2011 +
- Manual tillers can be dangerous when operated by someone wearing sandals.
- I should really take a first aid course.
- The Nuva Ring can stimulate the g-spot! (unrelated)
jun 5 2011 ∞ jun 5 2011 +
- Biggest Literary Futurism Fail (tied):
- George Orwell (1984)
- Edward Bellamy (Looking Backward 2000-1887)
- Lesson: never put an exact date on your imagined u/distopia!
apr 20 2011 ∞ apr 20 2011 +
- Wildwood, Stoney Creek hikes
- Ruby!!
- Eat tons of awesome food
- Sunken garden nursery?
- Baltimore!
- Visionary Art Museum
- Maura's yoga class
- Oh yeah, UMD interview day...
- DC with Mom
- Cherry blossoms!
- Chris and Amaya (and cats)
- Look at Georgetown and American
mar 23 2011 ∞ apr 4 2011 +
- No smoking in bed.
- Zombies who have consumed alcohol are not to operate the cider press.
- No sitting on the roof to eat brains.
- No climbing on the roof while under the influence of the zombie virus.
- Do not perform abortions on zombies.
mar 17 2011 ∞ mar 17 2011 +
- Alex's family!
- Eat food!
- Everglades
- Keys
- Pretend everyone I see wearing a white button down shirt is Dexter
- The beach
- My family!
- Eat food!
- Museum of Jurassic Technology to see if they really do change their exhibits
- also figure out those cat's cradles
dec 15 2010 ∞ dec 15 2010 +
- France
- Cameroon
- United Arab Emirates
- Israel
- two hours earlier and it would have been in Jordan
- two hours later and it would have been on, probably, some old lady on the midnight bus to Hadera
- Morocco
- this one was particularly memorable
Countries I've been to
- Canada
- Italy
- France
- Belgium
- Netherlands
nov 30 2010 ∞ sep 5 2023 +
Based on a two page reading of Why Some Like It Hot
- Honey
- Bread, daily, with salt
- Milk, butter, cheese, "bonnyclabber"/sour milk
- Fish
- Gamey meats on festival days
- Eggs
- Bird fat
- Mediterranean fruits, fresh or made into cakes
- Nuts
- Olives
- Animal blood, mixed with grain into a breakfast pudding
- Seasonings
nov 28 2010 ∞ nov 29 2010 +
Mad props to Darin I.
- new slippers
- external hard drive
- tights
- phone earpiece thing
- some books
- a picture you drew
- the gift of plants
- wool socks
- yoga block
- colorful tights
- moar underpants
Edit: why did I have tights on here twice?
nov 5 2010 ∞ mar 23 2011 +
Brought to you by Wikipedia
oct 20 2010 ∞ oct 20 2010 +
- Lavendar sachets
- With Becca
- Learn Spanish Monday nights and Saturday mornings, then go to yoga and bike and do more projects
- Make pickles
- Make soap/elixirs
- Make art
- Photo collection to figure out what makes faces look young or old
- "If death is death..." tree
- Turned out really lame, unfortunately. I sent it to Maura.
- Wildcrafting
- Devil's Club
- Figure out how to use my tinctures
- Develop wine palate
sep 19 2010 ∞ mar 23 2011 +
- Found multiple spiders under hula hoops, then trapped and evicted them
- Read about my sun sign
- And those of most other people I know
- Got distracted by Mountain Man Dance Moves, a McSweeney's book of lists
- Dropped a glass full of marbles, with predictable results
- Woke up two people by calling late at night to complain about packing
- Tk purred and was cuddly
- Mercury was in retrograde
- Checked email
- Watched others pack
- Felt sorry for myself
- Moaned
- Made this list
aug 26 2010 ∞ aug 26 2010 +
- Guided walks at the Arboretum--Sundays 11am and 1pm
- This dude's corn maze pumpkin patch alpaca farm
jul 16 2010 ∞ jul 16 2010 +
My life was the poem I could have writ/But I could not both live and utter it
- Wild Food Adventures weekend with Renai: clamming, seaweed foraging, punk rock house show, meeting important ex-boyfriends
- Low iodine pesto for Michael
- Yoga payroll
- Forgot to send rent, gave landlord chocolate to apologize
- Sending chocolate out into the universe
- Groc Out!
- Sleep in past 10 on a Tuesday
- Go birdwatching
- Herbalism
- Violin lessons
- Think about applying to law school
The fun cannot stop--someone cut its brake lines.
may 3 2010 ∞ jun 23 2010 +
If I have to work here I might as well learn something.
- Adriamycin, from a bacteria found in a soil sample from an Italian castle
- learned this by looking up some pills left in a medical chart I was filing
- Taxol, from the bark of the Pacific Yew tree
- learned this from my Pacific Science Center volunteer holiday greeting card
mar 29 2010 ∞ mar 29 2010 +
- Wrap self in newspaper, come as the resurrected corpse of America's print media
- Mermaid (w/ seaweed in hair, some kind of glittery mermaid skirt)
- Carmen Sandiego
feb 20 2010 ∞ may 11 2014 +
- P&P
- Lagaan
- Labyrinth
- Doomsday Book
- Howl's Moving Castle
- The Little Mermaid
- Northern Exposure
- Strictly Ballroom
- Bob Roberts
- Milo and Otis
- Lars and the Real Girl
- The Lion King
- An American President
jan 4 2010 ∞ jan 4 2010 +
- Chinatown
- EasyRider
- To Catch a Thief
- The Counterfeiters
- Bullitt
- Amelie
- Seventh Samurai
- The Good Shepherd
- Howls Moving Castle
- Pan's Labyrinth
nov 30 2009 ∞ feb 26 2010 +
nov 13 2009 ∞ dec 14 2009 +
- "Beam the cheese directly to sick bay!" (Voyager, Janeway)
- "It appears we have lost our sex appeal, Captain." (Voyager, Tuvok)
- "What do you say we make apple juice and fax it to each other?" (TNG spoof video, Worf)
oct 19 2009 ∞ jan 4 2010 +
- Mounds chocolate bars
- The word "finger"
- The Washington Monument
- Caves
sep 13 2009 ∞ sep 13 2009 +
- Bene Gesserit
- Obscure rabbinical student of some famous yeshiva
- Archivist
- Kingmaker
aug 25 2009 ∞ aug 25 2009 +
apr 1 2009 ∞ apr 1 2009 +
A list from yesteryear.
- Finish NOTC campaign
- Work with new organizer
- Get more experience
- Keep vigils going
- Transition more work
- The Zone is crazy
- Get sucked in
- Contract might suck
guess what I did
jan 28 2009 ∞ jan 28 2009 +
jan 11 2009 ∞ oct 7 2021 +
Mostly cribbed from Becca.
- Yoga--more more more
- Guitar practice
- Job?
- Go to the Hoh Rainforest
- Learn technical/survival/social/wilderness skills
- Tattoo?
- Learn to be comfortable on bikes??
- Learn the secret ways of the sewing machine
- Be better about keeping in touch with family and friends
- Invest in:
- guitar
- home planetarium projector, with Becca
- regular projector, with Frat Haus
- Volunteer
- Always carry around a small notebook (Becca this is a great one)
jan 2 2009 ∞ jan 4 2010 +
Because you can't love anything more than something you miss.
- STHS '03 reunion
- I'm gonna bust out of the double doors!
- Beer
- Meet Dan R.
- Wildwood
- Gettysburg B&B with Sam
- Pose as newlyweds
- Visit the battlefield
- Lancaster to see Audrey
- Dickinson?
- Plan the perfect getaway
- Baltimore
sep 9 2008 ∞ dec 10 2008 +
- Hershel and the Hannukah Goblins
- Fire and Ice
- Twilight
- The Brothers Peverell
dec 10 2008 ∞ mar 17 2009 +
- Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame: she belongs in a Bond movie and he needs a haircut
- Ed Begley Jr and wife: she clearly hates the earth
- James Carville and Mary Matalin: politics
- Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver: politics, weirdness
- George and Laura Bush
- Sarko and Carla Bruni: unless arrogance is a mutual turn on?
dec 10 2008 ∞ dec 11 2008 +
- Me: Hello?
- Person who called me: Hey what's up?
- Me
- out loud: [Confused inarticulate stammer]
- in my head: [Irrational rage] Fucker, how should I know?! You called me!
nov 27 2008 ∞ nov 27 2008 +
"...it is possible, in theory, for life and art to be reversed."
- Dream spouse: Col. Fitzwilliam/Gilbert Blythe
- My Amortentia: Clean laundry, sweet wood, salt water, honeysuckle (brass polish?)
- Daemon form: Sad eyed hound, or moth
- Team: Jacob, without a doubt
- OWEN'S GIFT TO ME: first joint of left thumb
nov 19 2008 ∞ mar 17 2009 +
- Shamanic journeying
- Basic guitar
- Rope splicing
- Sushi making
Yet I remain unprepared for the zombie apocalypse!
nov 10 2008 ∞ nov 10 2008 +
I also considered titling this, "Passive-aggressive is usually best"
oct 30 2008 ∞ oct 30 2008 +
- Ability to heal with a touch
- Ability to communicate with animals
- Telepathy
- The Sight
oct 29 2008 ∞ nov 2 2008 +
In order:
- Guilt
- Morbid curiosity
- Fear
- Desire for praise
sep 11 2008 ∞ sep 16 2008 +
- Learn banjo
- Learn guitar
- Relearn violin
- Take to the open road
- Become ham radio enthusiast
- Get into rail cars
- Learn to use sewing machine
- Become licensed pilot
- Learn about boats
- Practice French
- Try on a new language
- Photography
- Make short, hilarious films
- Write mediocre poetry
- Orcas Island
aug 29 2008 ∞ nov 8 2008 +
aug 27 2008 ∞ sep 9 2008 +
Well, or People Who Are Famous Only To Me Who I Was Ridiculously Excited To Meet.
- Q'Orianka Kilcher
- Ellen Hughes
- Rabbi Arik Ascherman
- Lt. Ehren Watada
This list can only grow! There are so many people who are famous only to me.
aug 21 2008 ∞ oct 30 2008 +
- God, I wish these were real
- The Library from Magic for Beginners
- The library from Lirael
- All fictional libraries and archives
- Dream jobs
- Places to go
- Things to do when home
- Pet names
- Trotsky (for a small to medium sized dog)
- Margaret Thatcher
- Things that are the best
- planetarium shows
- sea glass
- Uno
- Late bloomers vs. young prodigies
- "Late bloomers’ stories are invariably ...
aug 13 2008 ∞ aug 26 2010 +
- World Religions Club!
- Citizenship Day in Tukwila 2008
- Dickinson Alternative Spring Break 2005
- Information and Referral 101 guide
- Refilling the soap in the upstairs bathroom
- Driving carelessly and blowing out two tires on the curb when I was 16
- Accidentally cockblocking friends
- A lot of carbon and methane emissions
- Making at least 3 people cry (and not in an inspiring way)
- 5 months of data entry at the yoga studio
- Officiating Becca and Leslie's wedding!
aug 13 2008 ∞ aug 20 2013 +
- Judaism
- Agnostic Theism
- Bokononism
- "The Universe Has A Plan"
- Everything Is Illuminated-ism (Sloucher denomination)
- Dust
- A macro got installed in my brain and now whenever someone says "God" I hear "dog"
- "our dog and dog of our ancestors"
- "what if dog was one of us"
- "where I'll end up well I think / only dog really knows"
- it's actually super comforting, imagining that there's an all-knowing celestial dog up there and she's got me and everything's gonna be alright, tennis balls and curling up on the couch with dewy paws and a chicken stick before bed
aug 13 2008 ∞ sep 27 2018 +
- West Side Story
- The King Must Die (don't read Bull from the Sea)
- Three Body Problem (just read book 1 in the trilogy)
dec 21 2023 ∞ dec 21 2023 +
- Frozen --> Dyatlov Pass
- James Cameron's Titanic --> what happened to the grand staircase when the Titanic sank
- Interstellar --> something about black holes
jul 7 2023 ∞ nov 30 2023 +
- Parley, sparring with long sword
- Jeanne, always:
- looking far away sad
- unbuttoning fencing jacket for illicit tryst with tree elf bf
- as psycho rage ghost
- Donny Donlan (Kat's dad) (i 100% stand by this placement) (he only ranked this low because of all the lady sword fighters)
- Jeanne's tree elf bf
- Muut
- Jones as filling factory gal immediately after experiencing the might of the bombs
- Robot in full on prophet mode
- Everybody's moms
- Ysengrin as berserker tree
- Andrew's eyebrows
- Lindsey
mar 4 2019 ∞ may 25 2023 +
- When do you think the last WWII documentary will be made?
- If you got sent back in time do you think you could prevent 9/11
- do you think humans will ever be able to photosynthesize
- how many spiders do you think are looking at you right now
- Do you think Christopher Walken would have joined the crusades
- what do you think caused the neolithic decline
- what is the max amt you would pay for: a coffee maker, a bicycle, a watch, basketball game ticket
- who do you think the Sea Peoples were
Questions Sam has asked me over the years
- Do you think the last king/queen of England is alive currently?
feb 1 2022 ∞ jan 31 2024 +
- life on Mars?
- life on Venus??
- Super ancient lost history
- Silurian hypothesis
- The first people of Turtle Island and who and when they were
- All the circles and megaliths and geoglyphs
- Shigir Idol and all the other lost wooden and other artifacts we'll never get to see
- What the hell were all the Neolithic people up to at Göbekli Tepe and on their big towers at Jericho and Tel Qaramel
- What were they fighting about at Tollense Valley all those thousands of years ago
- Three Hares
- Longyou Caves
apr 1 2019 ∞ jun 9 2023 +
- The Sound of Music - Maria von Trapp's friend kept bugging her to write her family's story so eventually she did
- (Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay - recorded by Otis Redding days before his death in a plane crash
- Kafka's last papers - "departed Prague on the last train to leave the city, five minutes before the Nazis closed the Czech border"
- Curious George - "the Reys decided to flee Paris before the Nazis seized the city. Hans built two bicycles, and they fled Paris just a few hours before it fell. Among the meager possessions they brought with them was the illustrated manuscript of Curious George."
- Beowulf - "The poem survives in a single copy in the manuscript known as the Nowell Codex....In 1731, the manuscript was damaged by a fire that swept through Ashburnham House in London, which was housing Sir Robe...
dec 13 2018 ∞ feb 2 2024 +
Things I do just in case
- Never schedule anything unpleasant for Groundhog's Day
- Knock on nearest hard object, even if it's not wood, to prevent spoken evil from coming to pass
- Try to stay abreast of when Mercury is in retrograde
oct 17 2018 ∞ oct 17 2018 +
aug 13 2018 ∞ may 21 2022 +
- American Visionary Art Museum
- Walters Art Museum
- Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African-American History & Culture
- Baltimore Museum of Art
- Baltimore Museum of Industry
- B&O Railroad Museum
- Irish Railroad Workers Museum
- Great Blacks in Wax Museum
- Peale Museum
- Baltimore Streetcar Museum
- Amaranthine Museum
- The Contemporary
- Poe House
- Eubie Blake Cultural Center
- Evergreen Museum & Library
- Homewood Museum
- Fort McHenry
- Jewish Museum of Maryland
- Maryland Science Center
- National Museum of Dentistry
mar 25 2018 ∞ jun 19 2019 +
feb 17 2018 ∞ nov 22 2020 +
In no particular order
- Ukraine
- Slovenia with Sam!
- glacier cave from Underland
- Melania statue
- Meadowcroft Rock Shelter
- Beaver Brewing Company in Beaver Falls, PA for nanobrewed kvass!
- Nanaimo, BC
- Jordan, Syria, Lebanon
aug 21 2008 ∞ oct 27 2023 +
- Fire on the Mountain: what if Harriet Tubman had been with John Brown at Harper's Ferry? = Black Socialist Utopia established in the south and a better world for all, with moon boots
- History Without Hitler: "Had he come, let us say, 10 years later, when the republic was firmly established, it would have been impossible for him. And if he had come 10 years previously, or at any time when there was still the monarchy, he would have gotten nowhere."
- The Yiddish Policeman's Union: now we see through a glass darkly, a world like ours but with Big Macher department store
- I should probably read/watch The Man in the High Castle
- Kazaam / Shazaam
- "Mandela Effect: a theory that a large group of people with the same false memory ...
jan 17 2017 ∞ jan 19 2025 +
- Be careful what you fish for.
- All you need is gloves.
- (for when it's chilly out, but not cold)
may 13 2016 ∞ jun 13 2016 +
States I've visited
- Alabama - Tuscaloosa (Godzilla, terrible motel, Moundville)
- Arizona - wolf farm!, Sedona
- California - LA, SF, drivin around
- Connecticut - visited family and Weir Farm
- Delaware - Rehoboth and different Dogfish Head outposts
- Florida - Keys, Miami, Everglades, Disneyworld
- Illinois - Chicago
- Indiana - Madison to visit Lisa's family
- Iowa - McGregor to visit Lisa, saw some mounds
- Kentucky - Louisville, briefly
- Maine - Portland for AcroCats, Acadia along with many, many other humans
- Maryland - I live here now!
- Massachusetts - Boston to visit Sam
- Michigan - Detroit for conference
jun 12 2015 ∞ aug 22 2017 +
- Greatest City in America
- Charm City
Various degrees of terrible:
- The City that Reads
- unofficial: The City that Breeds
- This Is a White Man's City
- official Democratic campaign slogan of 1899
sep 25 2014 ∞ aug 22 2017 +
- how to pronounce "pecan"
- is IPA delicious
- what the left lane is for
- is that Prius dirty or gold
- Garrison Keillor
- what's that smell
- is it uncool of Shana to start making this list without Maura's knowledge or consent
may 28 2014 ∞ aug 12 2014 +
Drink when
- Scully says "Oh my God"
- Scully says "I'm fine"
- Scully says "Mulder, it's almost as if..."
- Scully is eating
- Shoulder pads
- Awful 90s fashion choices Scully why?
- Mulder is condescending
- Mulder doesn't own a bed
- Mulder is watching porn/grainy Sasquatch video
- Mulder misplaces his gun
- Giant flashlights
- Gianter cell phone
- this conversation: "Scully it's me." "Mulder where are you?"
- you wake up from X-Files induced nightmare
- Skinner is unexpectedly hot
apr 2 2014 ∞ apr 2 2014 +
- Mooby
- Doodlehead
- Doodlenose
- Doodleface
- Rude-by
- Measles Mumps & Rubella
- derivative: Measles Mumps & Moobella
- Marita Fluffarubias
- "you're orange!"
- Mommy's Best Girl
jan 5 2014 ∞ jan 5 2014 +
sep 14 2013 ∞ jan 7 2016 +
- Aquarium
- drink cheap beer
- swing dance class
- get really good at poker
- finally learn to swim
- take the MPRE?
apr 15 2013 ∞ may 1 2013 +
- economics
- how business works
- beyond accounting and financial analysis for lawyers
- poker
- learned Texas Hold 'Em 3/27/13!
- but then I forgot again
- Spanish
- art
- what is it?
- how do I know when it is good?
- how to talk about it at cocktail parties?
- music: what is the circle of fifths, why is Bach the greatest, what's going on in hip hop
- other questions, probably
mar 28 2013 ∞ oct 28 2013 +
- "I lost one of my best friends to postmodernism"
- (in response to someone saying they wanted to go into genetics) "Wow, let me know when they can shrink us down that small and I'll go with you!"
jan 16 2013 ∞ jan 16 2013 +
Found this list I made in April
- Ashcombe with Mom
- craft festivals with Mom and Maura
- Dickinson reunion with Audrey
- Visit Audrey's farm, farmer's market
- Kate's wedding!
- Hang out with Amaya and Chris, Michele
- Visit Bmore--see Max's band, yoga with Maura
- Yoga!
- DC stuff--museums, national mall things, cool bars, gardens
- something awesome for July 4th
- Hike with Ruby
- Beach!!
- Meet cool enviro lawyers, decide if that's for me
- Summer thunderstorms
jul 23 2012 ∞ jul 23 2012 +
- Why are there so many water and fire signs on the Supreme Court?
- Has anyone ever written any Tesla/pigeon fanfiction?
- Also wrong--found by at least four reviewers, and probably more lurkers like me
- Will I ever have an original thought?
- What did they call Constant Comment tea when it first came out?
- X-Files: Did Clyde Bruckman know about the coming alien invasion?
Regular questions (that have been asked by many who came before)
- Is racism a diagnosable disorder?
- Is fire a living thing?
apr 24 2012 ∞ dec 9 2013 +
"There are many pleasant fictions of the law in constant operation, but there is not one so pleasant or practically humorous as that which supposes every man to be of equal value in its impartial eye, and the benefits of all laws to be equally attainable by all men, without the smallest reference to the furniture of their pockets." ~Dickens
[Begging Dickens' pardon though, I think these are more humorous:]
- "In respect of the recurrent emergence of the theme of sex in the minds of his characters, it must always be remembered that his locale was Celtic and his season spring." (United States v. One Book Called" Ulysses", 5 F. Supp. 182 (S.D.N.Y. 1933))
- And the oral argument! - Judge Woolsey: "Now for the first time I appreciate the s...
oct 3 2011 ∞ nov 13 2017 +
- Floss daily
- Be kind
- Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
aug 17 2010 ∞ jun 28 2011 +
- IPA: the British in India
- Bánh mì: the French in Vietnam
may 15 2011 ∞ may 15 2011 +
- Quit jobs at some point
- Orcas Island--for more than 24 hours
- Revisit Olympic Peninsula!
- yeah! back again with sam for more ferngully magic
- Have a magical experience with "chocolate tea"
- Chop or crush chocolate
- Use 1 cup of water per person and/or 1 cup of water per 5 grams of chocolate
- Heat water to boiling, pour hot water over chocolate
- Wait 5-10 minutes, strain water into drinking cup
- Pour a second amount of water over strained chocolate
- Drink first infusion.
- Strain second infusion into drinking cup and drink.
mar 23 2011 ∞ jun 5 2011 +
- Frodo lives
- Dumbledore dies
- The empire strikes back
- OMG did Pilar put Crake up to it????
- this just came to me today: did Crake put Oryx up to it??
mar 17 2011 ∞ oct 3 2011 +
- Heart openers
- People
- Wheel, fish, bow (even though it hurts my hips)
- Be myself, with everyone, whatever that means
- Focus gaze outward
- Destroy ego, become Vulcan
- Cultivate non-attachment
- Cultivate love, tenderness, and compassion for the mushrooms, little plants, children, adults, soil dwellers, etc.
- Resolve these competing resolutions into a coherent life
- Eat more whole foods
- But don't be an asshole
- Meat 1x/week
nov 9 2010 ∞ dec 19 2010 +
- People describing something as their "m.o."
- Bats/fungi/parasites
- Having to learn a new computer system for each of my three jobs
- Frequent and widespread use of the "planting seeds" metaphor
- Tights and jeggings
- Jealousy and humans
- Tasting heaven on earth
- What coincidences are lurking around that we'll never find out about?
dec 12 2010 ∞ dec 21 2010 +
- The amount of fun I have at parties is inversely proportional to the number of personal possessions I have to keep track of while I'm there.
- I have to try really hard to like people when I first meet them.
- Squeezing fat little animals who can't get away from me is a vice I will never overcome.
nov 27 2010 ∞ nov 27 2010 +
- "Omigod I want that fluffy feather sooooo bad."
- "I love your energy!"
- "I think I just felt my pupils dilate."
- "Now I understand techno music."
- "Did you guys see that satyr?"
Hippie things I say in other areas of my life
- "You need a Virgo." (To my boss, on the hiring search for my replacement as yoga studio manager. Then I made an awesome joke about rising signs and everyone laughed.)
nov 27 2010 ∞ jun 5 2011 +
- Yoga
- Food
- Cook a lot
- Farmer's Market
- Sutra!
- pho
- taco truck
- Ethiopian
- Fainting Goat gelato
- Use Tin Table groupon before it expires!
- Got to stop by the hippie supply store for soywax
- and a (vegan) Reesy cup milkshake
- make candles?
- Hot House?
- Do a puzzle?
- on the ferry to Orcas Island!
- Garden?
nov 3 2010 ∞ nov 14 2010 +
- Bartending experience
- Law school
- Live in house with kitchen island
- Learn more about plants
- Herbalism/medicine making
- Production farming--something like this?
- Find investors for Hostel/B&B/Bar/Restaurant/Commune, name TBD
- Determine name for this project
- Also plan it
sep 20 2010 ∞ jul 30 2015 +
- Unpack
- Downsize possessions
- Get over habit of saving the box
aug 28 2010 ∞ aug 28 2010 +
- Basic Shamanic Journeying for living room set up and flyering
- Yoga for data entry
- Restaurant credit for managing the yogas
- Violin lessons for washing a car, decorating a kite, and GRE flashcards
- Cold comfort for change
jul 29 2010 ∞ jul 29 2010 +
June 30-July 5
- June 30: Becca's birthday
- July 1: First Thursday
- July 4
- Sutra
- Babeland?
- sailing?
- yoga?
- World Cup viewing, with beers
- Mighty-O donuts
I think we did ok...plus acupuncture and ...
jun 20 2010 ∞ jul 5 2010 +
"Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see." ~Neil Postman
- Waltzing Matilda
- Octopus's Garden
- There Are Places I Remember
- Under the Boardwalk
- Union Maid
apr 19 2010 ∞ apr 19 2010 +
- Elizabeth Warren
- Thomas Linzey
feb 20 2010 ∞ jul 29 2010 +
Let's review 2009's:
- Yoga--more more more
- Guitar practice
- Job?
- Go to the Hoh Rainforest
- Learn technical/survival/social/wilderness skills
- Tattoo?
- Learn to be comfortable on bikes??
- Learn the secret ways of the sewing machine
- Be better about keeping in touch with family and friends
- I'll just cross this off for old times sake
- Invest in:
jan 4 2010 ∞ apr 13 2010 +
- Theo tour
- Ballard locks
- Food
- Sutra
- taco truck
- dim sum!
- lotsa other ID food
- Public library
- Pike Place Market
- Elliott Bay Book Co.
- parks
- Discovery
- Arboretum
- Volunteer (greenhouse)
- That vintage pottery place by Elliott Bay...
dec 14 2009 ∞ feb 26 2010 +
I don't think anyone's made a comprehensive list
- climate change
- unchallenged corporate power
- Colony Collapse Disorder
- that plastic island in the Pacific
- GMO foods
Wow, this is kind of an overwhelming list to work on...I'll come back to this
nov 25 2009 ∞ nov 25 2009 +
Old loves
- Lists
- Going out of business sales
New interests
- Ornamental kales
- Making soup to feed an army
oct 19 2009 ∞ nov 15 2009 +
The world-ending pandemic is coming, sooner than you think
- The good news is you'll meet your soulmate while in quarantine!
- But s/he has a 66% chance of eating it before quarantine is lifted
- even more if you confess your love before the epilogue
- Try to fall in with an anti-hero; their smart alec-ism provides natural immunity from disease and makes them strong leaders in the post-collapse society
- Don't get too attached to animals
^Margaret Atwood, Connie Willis, and Kelly Link
sep 20 2009 ∞ sep 20 2009 +
- Being friends with benefits
- also long distance relationships
- Rampant deforestation blah blah
- Bubbles
- soap
- Internets
- real estate
- The kitten in the bathroom
- Humankind
aug 27 2009 ∞ aug 27 2009 +
- Cat
- Fawn
- Deerna
- Birdie
- Dov(e) (also Maura)
It is very important for the world to get this list.
apr 21 2009 ∞ may 1 2009 +
Ambiguously Heroic Priests
- Father Damien Modeste, Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse
- Father Emilio Sandoz, The Sparrow
Ritual Rules for Daily Life/Women Authors' Vicious Commentary on Tending The Hearth
- Surfacing, Margaret Atwood
- We Have Always Lived In The Castle
- Magic for Beginners: "Stone Rabbits"
The Doctor Lady
- Claire from the steamy Outlander series
- Pelagia in Corelli's Mandolin
- Ayla, Clan of the Cave Bear
- Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman
Your House Wants To Eat You
- House of Leaves
- Stone Rabbits, again
mar 17 2009 ∞ nov 15 2013 +
Insert your adjective here
- "I don't think anyone should get engaged while they're in love."
- "I usually just jump 'em. When a lady wants to make out with you, most people are happy just to go for it and work out the particulars later."
- "Sometimes it's fun to send a Repo Man!" [after a breakup, for the ritual Getting Back Your Stuff You Left There]
- "Why is anyone famous? Some combination of good looks and a sensible business manager."
- "You were born to be tested. Like Job."
- "As katy perry says, 'in another life.'"
Other notable thoughts and musings
- (discussing the end of summer camp and how magical it is) "Yeah, the ends of things are the best part! If only bread was like that."
jan 14 2009 ∞ nov 15 2013 +
"Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?" ~Groucho Marx
- "Effects of Union Type on Division of Ho...:
- "Cohabiting men report performing more household labor than do married men, and cohabiting women report performing less household labor than do married women."
- Commitment phobia
- "People change. Cultures change. Empires rise and fall. Shit. Geology changes!...Which is why vows are such a tricky business. Because nothing stays the same forever....What unnatural words. Always and forever! Those aren't human words, Jim. Not even stones are always and forever." ~The Sparrow
jan 11 2009 ∞ jan 11 2009 +
- On giving thanks
- Little Sunday School girl: "I'm thankful for mommy and daddy!"
- Little Sunday School boy: "I'm thankful for my cat Fluffy!"
- Rabbi Kessler:
"I'm thankful for Brad Pitt and Hugh Jackman!"
- On the aesthetics of sacred places
- Rabbis of Harrisburg: [in argument over dire situations facing Jews in other parts of the world]
- Rabbi Kessler, sensing tension: "There's an emergency right here in Harrisburg! Have you SEEN the way the mikvah is decorat...
dec 17 2008 ∞ dec 17 2008 +
(for the apocalypse)
- Candle making
- Soap making
- Wood carving
- Farming
- Animal husbandry
- Violin
- Guitar
- Harmonica
- Law/Alternative Dispute Resolution
(in case modern civilization limps on)
- French
- Photography
- Kabbalah, Talmud, etc.
- World literature
- Spanish
- History
- Indigenous history of the Americas
- East Asian
dec 10 2008 ∞ mar 17 2009 +
- The Sixth Borough
- "Things are changing" - Mary Oliver
- Wasteland - tracks 1, 3, and 10 - Dan Bern
- "So We'll Go No More a Roving"
- "Annabel Lee"
- Amelie
- Brokeback Mountain
- "Tell Me Right Now" - covered by this one girl one time
- Everything Is Illuminated
- The way plants grow better when you sing to them, and dogs howl the moment their humans die
- Crop circles, Nazca lines, and other glimpses of a world, Horatio, which is more than we can dream of in our philosophy
dec 10 2008 ∞ dec 11 2008 +
- Shredded iceberg lettuce in my sandwich
- Friday pie-blogging
- Entertainment news
- Everything on the Weather Channel that isn't Local on the 8's
- The first 5 minutes and second to last 2 minutes of most conversations
nov 27 2008 ∞ nov 27 2008 +
- Arundhati Roy: Shouter, truthsayer, polarizer, firebrand
- Wangari Maathai: Motivator and delegate to the environment
- Jhumpa Lahiri: Artist in residence
- Edmund Morel (deceased): Token white guy, accounts-keeper
- Nelson Mandela: Font of patience
- Bodhidharma (legendary?): Ill tempered and profusely bearded loyal opposition
- Ma-Ti (fictional): Facilitator and HEART!
- Shirin Ebadi: Legalist, warrior
- Aung San Suu Kyi: Listener, badass, "vibe check"
- Hillel and Judah HaNasi (deceased?): Keepers of obscure, infuriating institutional memory
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer (she lives in us...
nov 27 2008 ∞ apr 17 2017 +
- Smell of matches = Hannukah
- Smell of woodfires with hint of burning rubber = Cameroon
- Smell of cigarettes/wet earth/laundry = Home + basement + Dad
- Smell of cheap air fresheners/other odor products = today I am another day closer to oblivion
nov 11 2008 ∞ nov 11 2008 +
- indigenous
- purple
- furtive
- horseshit
- sconce
- Inshallah
- insidious
- cheeky
- clever
- sartorial
- fat
Words I Don't Support
Words I Haven't Decided About
oct 30 2008 ∞ jan 11 2009 +
Like food/early 20th century European machinery
- To eat pho
- To eat dim sum
- Maybe Pan-African Restaurant
- To eat Ethiopian food
- Theo's Chocolate tour
- University Farmer's Market
- Seattle Tilth!
Aren't trying to avoid anyone specific
- Bainbridge Island by ferry
Are a woman
Like picnics and/or bucolic-y rambles
- Arboretum
- Gasworks Park
- Volunteer Park
- Olympic Sculpture Park
oct 21 2008 ∞ jul 30 2009 +
- Wind, Sand, and Stars
- Mary Oliver, New and Selected Poems, Vol 1, paperback
- Everything Primo Levi ever wrote that isn't chemistry
- Staying Alive: Real Poems for Unreal Times
- The Jewish Study Bible, ISBN 0195297512 (shouldn't I already own something like this?)
- More about the Talmud
- Complete copy of the Talmud, for when I am a hermit
- Rise Up Singing: The Group Singing Songbook (redundant much, hippies?)
oct 20 2008 ∞ jan 18 2009 +
- Long, slow bus rides
- Short story collections
- Cats
- Lolcatz
- Getting organized, cleaning
- Too many blankets
- Being touched by the yoga teacher during class
sep 2 2008 ∞ nov 2 2008 +
- Playing music
- Journeying
- Adventures
- Boating
- Exploring the Northwest
- Retreating inward
- Buy rain boots
- Visit PA Nov-Dec
I should really work on this list.
aug 27 2008 ∞ oct 21 2008 +
- Sexcrow account
- Goretex nose warmer
- Dating app where your friends run your profile and match you and talk to your potential matches' friends to set you up on dates (maybe it could just be for scientists and called Double Blind Date?)
- duolingo but for learning to ID trees and constellations
- app (or VR glasses) that shows you what the landscape you are looking at looked like 100 / 1000 / 10000 / etc years ago
oct 18 2017 ∞ apr 7 2023 +
- When I'm Standing Next To You
- Big Rock Candy Mountain
- Anyone Else But You
- That one anarchist song
- Nothing Better
- In the aeroplane over the sea
- I don't want to miss a thing
- Ring of fire
- Wagon Wheel
- Holland 1945
- King of Carrot Flowers
- Take it easy
- Peaceful easy feelin
- Desperado
- Keep on the sunnyside
- Oh Susanna
- You are my sunshine
aug 21 2008 ∞ oct 20 2008 +
- FOX cancelling Firefly
- Invading Russia/getting involved in land wars in Asia in general
- Smoking while drinking
- Leggings as pants
aug 13 2008 ∞ nov 2 2008 +
- My will (Everything Is Illuminated)
- His soul (Animal Dreams)
- The darkness (Heart of Darkness)
- You listen (The Woman Warrior and China Men, when taken together--I like to imagine it as an imperative statement shouted at you by Brave Orchid)
aug 13 2008 ∞ apr 1 2009 +