• learning to moderate my emotions and express them in a healthy way
  • practicing patience and persistence even when it is hard
  • communicating my needs and boundaries in a healthy but insistent way and acknowledging their importance instead of writing them off or sweeping them under the rug
  • forcing myself outside of my comfort zone even when it feels really scary
  • finding balance and not letting a single hobby or identity consume my life so when it's taken away i can still function and be happy and healthy
  • learning not to make any big decision or take any big action when tired, hungry, stressed, or emotional
  • acknowledging my part in a conflict while also pointing out the other party's behavior that caused me harm
  • recognizing and accepting my own feelings and emotions
  • cultivating a healthy work life balance and being a well rounded individual with a life outside of work
  • not building my entire life around my relationship and having friends and hobbies outside of the relationship
  • recognizing that my partner doesn't have to do things my way to have a healthy relationship (and on a broader scale, that my way of doing things isn't always the right or only way of doing things or tackling a problem or situation)
  • learning to temper my strong emotions
  • passing less judgment and examining why judgment is my gut reaction to a given situation
  • being able to communicate to a friend when their behavior hurt me instead of sweeping it under the rug and being passive aggressive in return
  • acknowledging that my tightfistedness with and stress about money is what was modeled for me and what i grew up with, but it doesn't have to always be this way
  • learning to sit with a feeling and communicate it to others
  • that i can't own anybody, not really; people choose to share themselves with me, and i choose to share in return
  • understanding that my need for structure + routine + planning is a control thing and probably influenced by adhd
  • learning that part of why i enjoy kink and nonmonogamy is the need for intense and novel stimuli to hold my attention b/c of adhd
  • submission == giving up control that i feel unable to give up in other aspects of my life
  • accepting constructive criticism and feedback not as an attack but as ways i can improve and things i can work on
  • my identity doesn't need to be set in stone - it can change, and that flexibility is liberating and opens up many possibilities
  • someone else being better at something than me isn't a threat * i bring my own set of values and characteristics to the table that are unique and special and all i need to do is be the best version of myself i can be, not the best version of someone else/others
  • verbal affirmations are important to me because they make me feel seen, understood, and loved
  • practicing being direct when dating - not ghosting, communicating my intent clearly, speaking up when something upsets me, having the hard conversation
  • i can partake in things without them being my entire personality - i can do something without being someone that does something obsessively
  • how to recognize when my social battery is completely drained and how to take steps to restore it
may 23 2021 ∞
nov 5 2022 +