The average American is exposed to 10-13 different pesticides through food, beverages, & drinking water every day. 9 out of 10 the ten most common pesticides are EDCs (endocrine disrupting chemicals, aka "obesogens" — because they "may promote weight gain and obesity").
But according to a recent study in the journal "Environmental Health Perspectives," eating an organic diet for just 5 days can reduce circulating pesticide EDCs to non-detectable or near non-detectable levels. You can reduce your pesticide exposure nearly 80% simply by choosing organic for the 12 fruits & vegetables shown in their tests to contain the highest levels of pesticides.
The Dirty Dozen: {AKA buy these organic} (1st = worst)
You can feel good about buying the following 15 conventionally grown fruits & vegetables because they were shown to have little pesticide residue.
The Clean Fifteen: {AKA don't need to buy organic}