gemini ascendant - quickness

The personality is framed inside a restless, busy curiosity.

You want to communicate with the world.

+ versatile, engaging, quick witted, clever, acutely perceptive, high spirited, well informed, likable, interesting, adaptable

- flighty, cynical, disorganized, dissatisfied, changeable, inconsistent, fear of isolation

pisces sun - mystical

The personality is extremely sensitive to its surroundings. Emotion and intuition are the elements guiding you. Here is the caring, artistic and spiritually inclined soul. Being perceptive and vulnerable, there is a tendency to be easily overwhelmed and to give way to fantasy or addictions as a buffer against what is perceived as a difficult or harsh world.

By contrast, sometimes a natural mysticism and protective force shields one from a harsh reality. Occasionally genius is found here. There is vacillation and inconsistency as the personality reacts to a constantly changing environment.

+ caring, sympathetic, keenly perceptive, devoted, artistic, deep, compassionate

- overly sensitive, vulnerable and fearful, moody, escapist, inconsistent

taurus moon - steadfast heart

Emotionally steady and maternal, Green softens and secures the personality with consistency, stability and duration.

The self is anchored in a definitive value system. Often traditional, usually involving the love of beauty, earthbound pleasures and acquisition. Other times there is strong physical ability and coordination.

+ sensual, artistic, love of luxury, determined, physical ability, staying power

- obstinate, too conventional, rigid, overcautious, stubborn, possessive

feb 28 2020 ∞
mar 25 2020 +