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"You are calm and reposed, let your beauty unfold. Pale white, like the skin stretched over your bones. Spring keeps you ever close. You are second hand smoke. You are so fragile and thin, standing trail for your sins. Holding onto yourself the best you can. You are the smell before rain. You are the blood in my veins."

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  • When I had just gotten my learner's permit, I was backing my brother's car out of the driveway. I accidently ran over a huge rock that was keeping the mailbox up, and tore off part of the bumper. Oops.
  • In 9th grade, I was sitting in the middle of the front seat in my friend's Tarus. We were pulling out of our school's parking lot, and BAM, she hit a lady riding her bicycle. The windshield caved in on us, and that lady's face was jacked up. Scariest accident ever. The lady ended up having to get reconstructive facial surgery, but she is okay.
  • Shortly after that accident, I was with the same friends in the same car, and we got rear ended while crusin' 24th street. I was wearing my seatbelt, but it didn't lock, and I hit my head on the dashboard. I sat in the back of an ambulance for a long time, but I never went to the hospital. I had hyperextended whiplash, and that guy's insurance paid for me to go to the chiropractor once a week for 3 months. My mom made me stop hanging out with those girls, because of a series of unfortunate events.
  • When Evan and I were moving his things from North Carolina to Montana, we were driving somewhere in South Dakota. He was tired, so I got behind the wheel. There was some ice on the highway, and huge snowdrifts on both sides. The wind blew snow all over the road, and we were going around a little curve and I couldn't see the lines anymore. I freaked out and must have jerked the wheel. We did a 180 and slid off the road sideways into a huge snow bank. We were trapped for about 30 minutes until a tow truck came and pulled us out for about $200. Thankfully, Evan and I were both okay, and the car ended up without even a scratch.
  • I drove Natalia to Leadville, Colorado to help her move here things from there home. My car was loaded to the brim and I couldn't see out of my back window. I was backing up in the hotel parking lot and hit a freaking massive truck. I broke out my tail light and cracked my bumper big time. Sucked. Then, the very next morning, I got a huge chip in the windshield.
  • One time I was driving to work from Pryor to Billings, going WAY too fast. I saw a pheasant on the side of the road, and all of the sudden in was smashing into my windshield. The windshield shattered, and that cost me about $200 to fix. That one really sucked.
dec 29 2009 ∞
jun 26 2010 +