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"You are calm and reposed, let your beauty unfold. Pale white, like the skin stretched over your bones. Spring keeps you ever close. You are second hand smoke. You are so fragile and thin, standing trail for your sins. Holding onto yourself the best you can. You are the smell before rain. You are the blood in my veins."

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(She's my dog)

  • She knows our routine. Every morning when I get up, she comes in the kitchen with me while I make Evan breakfast. When I leave to take Evan to work, she goes back to bed. She knows that I will be right back home to come back to snuggle with her, and she's always extra snuggly in the morning.
  • She learns new tricks really fast. Her latest is shake, and it's soooo freaking cute when she shakes, I could give her treats and shake her paw all day long.
  • When I get home from work, she is always sleeping in the bed, and waits for me to come say hi. Her fur is always messed up on her face when she wakes up and it's freaking adorable, and funny.
  • She never barks at other dogs when I take her on walks.
  • She has only had a couple potty accidents in the house, and they were our fault for being neglectful parents. But when we leave her home alone for 8 hours while we are at work, she never goes potty in the house.
  • She knows that I don't like when she licks me, so she saves all the licking for evan.
  • She is soooo friendly and nice to everyone and everything.
  • She is the perfect amount of energetic. She knows when it's time to play, when it's time to relax, and time to sleep.
  • She's a very good girl when I give her a bath.
  • I loveeeee her and I could go on and on and on!
apr 1 2010 ∞
jun 26 2010 +