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"You are calm and reposed, let your beauty unfold. Pale white, like the skin stretched over your bones. Spring keeps you ever close. You are second hand smoke. You are so fragile and thin, standing trail for your sins. Holding onto yourself the best you can. You are the smell before rain. You are the blood in my veins."

listography NEW NEWS
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  • I don't like loose hangers being all over the place between our clothes in the closet. They all have to be at the back, together.
  • When I set alarms, I check them at least ten times before I can fall asleep. I will literally be laying down with my eyes closed, after already checking my alarms like five times, and I will get up and re-check, just to make sure it's set to the right time, A.M., etc. The thought of not waking up when I have to freaks me out.
  • I despise the sound of doorbells and knocking on the door. I wish there was another way for people to let me know they are there. For some reason, these sounds freak me out.
  • I obsessive compulsively brush my hair. I have a hairbrush in my bathroom, bedroom, purse, car, and coat pocket. Tangles in my hair drive me crazy, and I brush it a million times a day. When I am in a situation where I can't brush my hair, or feel weird doing it, I freak out on the inside.
  • I floss before I brush my teeth, every time.
  • I fall asleep watching movies, at home or in the theatre, almost every time.
  • I pop my knuckles, right wrist, right elbow, big toes, back, and neck multiple times every day...and usually I can't help it, I just do it. So if this grosses you out, I apologize.
  • I never really eat the last bite of anything. Mostly tacos and sandwiches...but I do it with the majority of food that I eat. I don't quite understand why.
  • I go wayyyy out of my way to avoid awkward situations at all cost.
  • I adore my cursive handwriting.
  • I despise black ink pens, and refuse to write with them.
  • When I eat Lucky Charms, I have to eat out all of the oat pieces first. Then I drink almost all of the milk. Then I finish with my marshmallows. I try to just eat it like a normal person, and I can't. I also get really mad if I accidently eat a marshamallow while I'm eating the oats.
  • I get really nervous when I have a voicemail from an unknown number. I don't know why this is, either.
  • I never ever paint my fingernails. Ever. I would like to, but it seems like no color ever looks good on them, and it's too hard to paint my left ones, so I always give up.
  • I HAVE to take off my makeup and brush my hair before I get in the shower.
  • I'm obsessed with brand new money. I love love crisp bills, and I hate spending them, which helps me save my cash.
  • It doesn't bother me to eat things off of most floors. Bahaha.
  • When I'm drunk, I will put any and everything in my mouth.
  • My desktop can't have more than 4 icons on it. Ever.
  • When I'm upset about something, it will only make me cry harder if you try to give me a hug or ask me what's wrong.
    • Or, if I'm pissed off, it will turn my anger to sadness if you do these things.
  • Even though I know you don't have to...I still type "www." every time.
dec 27 2009 ∞
jun 26 2010 +