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"You are calm and reposed, let your beauty unfold. Pale white, like the skin stretched over your bones. Spring keeps you ever close. You are second hand smoke. You are so fragile and thin, standing trail for your sins. Holding onto yourself the best you can. You are the smell before rain. You are the blood in my veins."

listography NEW NEWS
  • When Evan takes his socks off inside out.
    • He also does this with his shirt.
  • When servers don't check back until after you've finished your food.
  • The fact that Evan basically never takes Luca out to potty in the middle of the night.
  • My neighbors chain their dog up to their railing and the chain isn't even long enough for the poor dog to make it to the yard. It poops and pees all over the sidewalk right by their stairs, then they walk in it. Disgusting. Take care of your dog!
  • When the toothpaste tube gets messy.
    • When Evan doesn't put the lid back on the toothpaste.
  • When I stub my toe, or hit my knee on the coffee table.
  • When my neighbors leave their clothes in the washer for hours so I can't use it.
  • When I don't get a cart and I have to carry a milk jug around the store.
  • The fact that my phone butt dials quite frequently. It's gotta stop that shit.
  • When people change lanes and get infront of me, then drive slower than I was going.
  • When I let somebody borrow something, and I don't get it back for months.
    • Or when I get something back and it is not in the condition I loaned it out in.
  • The sound of fingernails scratching on jeans.
  • Listening to other people brush their teeth.
  • When I don't wear my retainers and my teeth start to hurt.
  • Interest on my credit card.
  • This moment right now when somebody is leaving their clothes in the dryer, but they didn't dry all the way, so I can't put them ontop of the dryer. I have tons of loads of laundry to do, and I'm feeling very productive right now, but some jerk is leaving their stuff in the dryer for literally like 3 hours and not tending to it. It is a freaking Saturday, people. Everybody has the day off and some of us have shit to do. Stop being rude, you are not the only person that lives in this fourplex. I'm about to put a passive agressive note up in the laundry room. So now my clothes sit, wet in the washer, wishing to be dry.
  • Kirsten being SUCH a mooch.
    • Holy cow. Whenever she hangs out with me and Evan, she expects us to pay for EVERYTHING. Her movie ticket, her fast food, her pop at the grocery store, etc.
    • THEN she has the nerve to call me stingy when I get mad about it. OMG. Drives me nuts.
    • She has a freaking job too. And we have bills to pay, so stop being a little shit.
jan 9 2010 ∞
aug 14 2010 +