I can't decide who I dislike more than who, so these aren't necessarily in order. A.
- You suck at your job 90% of the time.
- Your butt chin is very unattractive, and it bothers me to even look at you.
- You are soooooo freaking fake, it drives me crazy.
- You act like a 5 year old most of the time.
- You need to take responsibility for your own acts.
- You need to stop acting like you are the best thing that ever happened to the Olive Garden.
- Honestly, we would be better off without you.
- When I am expoing, you seriously need to shut the hell up.
- I get sooooo tired of your voice.
- You have something to say about everything and it's soooo annoying.
- It really creeps me out when you stand really close to me while I am doing my morning routine and tell me something weird, like that thing about the Amish butter.
- You need to get the women in your life under control and tell them to stop calling you at work, because I have better things to do than play secretary for you.
- You are lazy and annoying.
- You need to stop talking about Rush and all of your stupid political views at work.
- I also do not want to hear your stories about which drug you were on over the weekened and the dumb things you did.
- The thing you did with the Lemon Cream Cake today, yeah, that wasn't okay, and don't worry, I'm the one that tattled on you.
- You are a gross, pervie man.
- I can feel you looking at my butt when I walk away and it makes me wanna puke.
- You can drive a car, so I don't feel bad about the way I feel about you.
- You are always standing in the way, and I know you do it on purpose for attention.
- I don't want to talk to you, ever, and I wish you would get the hint.
- You are very intimidating and rude.
- You are also a man whore, and I know it.
- I just flat out don't like you.
- Basically you just really annoy me.
- Also, you are a bad server, and you are not helpful at all.
- You're a jerk.
- Your sarcastic jokes are not funny.
- Your bubble butt freaks me out.
J.....Redeemed themself on Thursday.
- It's not okay to steal my orders.
- When you come back to tell me that someone is there, I get it. All you have to do is say the name and walk away. Don't stand next to me for ten minutes. I promise I've got it handled, and I have worked there WAY longer than you, so back off.
- Do not use my cutting board to cut your stupid lemons and limes. Also, I get tired of telling you to put a glove over your cutting glove. Gross.
- You need to stay off of my Compri.
- You are friends with A., which isn't helping your situation.
- Don't tell me to come cash you out when you are not ready, because that realllllly pisses me off.
- You just annoy me in general, I can't even explain it.
- You react like a child.
- You are extremely annoying and rude.
- When I ask you a simple question, you can go ahead and answer me. Instead, you decide to freak out for no reason, and that is completely unnecessary.
- You should not be a CT.
- That time you told me I smelled delicious was 100% creepy.
- Your perfume/lotion/whatever you are wearing that makes you smell that way reaks.
- I don't like hearing stories about your digestive system because it's gross.
- I know that you like tiramisu, so every morning when I'm plating them, you don't have to comment about how I need to share with you, or that you could take them off my hands. It's not funny.
- You need to stop being rude and learn my bff's name for once.
J......It's a like/hate relationship, and because it's sometimes like, this person is off the list.
- I despise your incessant sarcasm.
- I don't need help. Stop doing things for me when I didn't ask or want you to.
- I don't understand what is wrong with your voice, but I can never hear/understand what you are saying, and neither can anybody else. This might be why we have all started to try to ignore you.
N......Ehhhh, there are others that are worse.
- You act like you are better than you are, and it's annoying.
- You have a bad attitude and you need to stop acting like you are too cool for school.
- Don't blame your mistakes on other people.
- Pay attention...your meaningless chit chat is the least important thing on your agenda.
- Ew.
- You are judgy and annoying. Shut up.
- Your manerisms at meetings make me want to be violent towards you. haha, serious.
T. (L, I'm sorry this wasn't here sooner. I guess it was overlooked).....Fired. =)
- Ass...hole.
- You are not God's gift to the world. You are arrogant and rude and annoying.
- We wish you would disappear.
- Don't ever, ever, ever, EVER say bad things about my friends to me ever again.
- Gooooo awayyyyyyy.