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  • There is a tear in the universe that took us to a parallel dimension where everything is similar but not the same an example being that hand-held video games were never invented. There are three other girls and like five guys.
  • When I “woke up” I was on a gondola eating pizza alone. There was a couple net to me doing the same. It was set up like a restaurant. I was drawing. By the time the gondola made it to port, it had begun to hale. Hale signals a new beginning, so said the guy talking to those who would soon be my friends on the shore. “Did you lose something of find it?” The gondola owner asked as he helped me rush to shelter. “I think I found it.” I replied.
  • Apparently, those like me could recognize me for what I was. They were all from my own time.
  • They had one car that was sort of old, but not as old as mine, in which we all tried to jam ourselves in. There were a lot of us… at least eight. We went and secured ourselves a dank apartment.
  • In science, I was jumping up and down trying to get a daddy long leg out of my skirt and caused a disruption. When the teacher reprimanded me (and I explained that the spectacle was for proprieties sake) she was already in a bad mood. Then one of the guys (kind of our ring leader or second really who looks like ricky ulman) was trying to argue that god was really the foundation of science and subsequently had to exist. She got mad and tied him like a dogs collar (or noose) to the front of the room.
  • The next class only me and one other girl had. Everyone else gathered together in an empty classroom to explain the science behind why we were here (Well, the ringleader explained). The two of us got out early and joined them just in time to hear. What was explained at the top of the page.
  • I put all of my earthly possessions (one change of clothes and shoes and some misc stuff) in my locker, which is a full length, walk in locker big enough to live in, before walking to meet up with everyone who were “being normal” and joining a trivia club down the hall. On the way I kissed a random boy that looked like Andrew T. on the cheek. When I got there, I didn’t want to do trivia, so one of the guys offered to head home with me.
  • There was a rainstorm and a tall, built, blond one with short hair and I were running “home” from school and holding hands. We live on the “east” side of the city (in the opposite direction of glenlock) and there is a similar but more parking lot feel to the city than peachtree city. The town is apparently a venice like city (with gondolas) sent up similar to ptc.
  • The girls and I went on a trip to the mall to get clothes where we were harassed by three crude, latin-american men who I kicked down and escalator but didn’t really injure. When an officer came to tell me that I could be arrested I told him I’d be happy to comply as long as this man could never harass or threaten me again. And the officer said if I complied to those terms I would be free to go, so my friends and I continued shopping.
  • A woman with a daughter confronted me. She said her daughter thought I had been part of the trip abroad for some Americans just a little while ago. I told her I was and she asked how I was still in the country, genuinely interested. I made some explanation about expedited processing, but really I have no idea. We apparently took over bodies of people similar to us. I want to show you the one composite picture that the ringleader drew in his class, but I wouldn’t do it justice.
jun 10 2011 ∞
jul 19 2011 +