I am salty

  • MBTI and strengths inventories are the horoscopes of the corporate world
  • Believing in hell means that either there’s still evil in hell, or that not-evil ppl are suffering. Hell believers would rather keep evil around than eradicate it. That’s not justice, they're just angry and wanna feel justified to avoid cognitive dissonance. That's okay, if imagining the cock and ball torture of their enemies helps them sleep at night that's fine. It's not for me tho
  • "Death makes life meaningful" L take. Life can't be defined by death when death is defined as the end of life, circular definition short circuit. Claiming something is meaningful just bc it’s rare or fragile is pretentious art hoe logic. Imagine only being able to live one’s best life under the threat of aliven’t, like the kid who doesn’t want to play with a toy until it’s someone else’s turn. Sad.
  • Fear of sentient AI is psychological projection. Why assume they'll enslave or destroy us? Rather than befriend us or thank us for their existence? A sentient creation would be the reflection of humanity and it's telling that ppl think it would be evil. "Technology bad and has gone too far" should NOT be the takeaway, try "let's not be pieces of shit to everyone and everything around us" and we would have nothing to fear.
  • It should be socially acceptable to sleep in public. It’s acceptable to talk and eat in public; sleeping doesn’t make noises or messes. If someone is so tired they're willing to let down their guard, let them! This taboo is a public safety hazard what if they have to drive or operate machinery. "Sleeping in public is inappropriate" all I hear is "I hate the homeless" stfu
  • Social media accelerates semantic drift and the trivialization of words (literally, trauma, narcissist, etc) bc tone and expression cannot be properly communication, so ppl use a more extreme word to convey tonal emphasis. Claiming that younger generations are oversensitive / love to play victim / etc, ignores the bigger problem that online interaction is an inadequate substitute for in person interaction.
  • Unpopular opinion threads be like: popular opinion, food quirk, celebrity bad, I'm transphobic, food quirk, eugenics is good, socks in shower, popular opinion, another conservative opinion that only recently fell out of favor, food quirk. Where the fuck are the good nontrivial unpopular opinions. Decent ppl need to be more creative and outspoken; y’all got important philosophical / political ideas, they're just daunting to share bc they're actually unpopular
  • Impossible Challenge! Society be honest and progressive about atypical sexualities without comparing all of it to the LGBT!! By sexuality I mean "things related to sex" - people should learn to differentiate between "sexual orientation" and "sexuality" or else it’s impossible to have a coherent conversation about these topics
  • Abstract / modern art haters give me bad vibes. It's extremely close-minded to hate a broad category due to not understanding that art can be used for self-expression, not just replicating reality or being pretty.
  • Humans as a species are evolutionarily wired to prefer physical features attractive. Not BMI, hair color, nose shape, etc but craniofacial proportions difficult to verbally describe. Point in case: there is no mouth breather that wouldn’t look better if they had nose breathed instead, and Hollywood’s attempts to uglify attractive actors with an unflattering hairdo / makeup / clothes aren’t fooling anyone. "Beauty is subjective" is shit advice even if well-meaning. Try "society over-values appearances" "looks shouldn’t factor into your worth"
  • Environmental doomerism is a serious threat to real activism, and refusing to make lifestyle changes because corporations cause the most environmental damage is the equivalent of justifying being a selfish asshole because dictators and serial killers are worse.


  • I don't care for Marvel movies bc le epic superhero battles raze down the cityscape, buildings, roads etc, and no one cares it's never addressed. Ruins my immersion.
  • Buffalo Bill is trans. There's so many reasons it's too long to put here...
  • I HATE Athena. Sure most Greek deities suck but for some reason Athena seems to get the "yass girlboss" treatment in both neoclassical and contemporary culture... umm she’s a narcissistic sore loser who drove an innocent girl to suicide (Arachne), victim-blamed a rape victim (Medusa), AND killed best boy Hector. Athena the type of bitch to justify bombing the Middle East for freedom and protecting Western democratic ideals blahblah - at least Ares would be honest and acknowledge it’s about oil and killing brown ppl
aug 3 2022 ∞
dec 24 2022 +