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41% intellectual: the intellectual is the ultimate dinner-party guest. engaging questions and thoughtful debate are their trademarks.

    • archetype family: thinking
    • other expressions: professional, student, scholar, judge
    • life journey: to pursue knowledge for the sake of discovering thruth in all areas of life.
    • unique challenge: to recognize when i’ve locked myself into a line of thinking based on my education or experience; to remain open to new ideas.
    • lesson to learn: to learn to listen to my gut, and to discern the differences between reason and truth.
    • defining grace: wisdom
    • challenge to self: i will avoid paralysis by analysis.

41% creative: the creative appreciates all beautiful things, in art and daily life. the creative act is essential to who they are.

    • archetype family: creative
    • other expressions: performer, creator, storyteller
    • life journey: to explore the heights of imagination through new forms of creativity.
    • unique challenge: to overcome the fear of being unoriginal.
  • lesson to learn: to develop artistic gifts rather than ignoring them.
    • defining grace: creativity
    • challenge to self: i will develop my talent and express myself without letting fear of failure hold me back, and stand by my artistic point of view in the face of criticism.

18% visionary: leave it to others to live by the status quo. the visionary is interested in new ways of seeing, solutions not yet imagined, products not yet built.

    • archetype family: visionary
    • other expressions: entrepreneur, innovator, pioneer, guide, dreamer
    • life journey: to bring the future into the present, and sense the changing impulses of society.
    • unique challenge: to remain committed to a new vision in order to bring it to fruition.
    • lesson to learn: to believe in my vision, however great or small, and my creative potential to change lives.
    • defining grace: courage
    • challenge to self: i will envision new possibilities for humanity and recognize when an idea is worth rearranging my life for.
aug 4 2019 ∞
aug 24 2020 +