- black skirts: one flowy short skirt; one short tube skirt
- black bra
- dresses (short)
- shorts
- cardigans
- bikini
- one piece bikini
- shoes: heels, wedges, flats, sandálias, oxford shoes(http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-c4XzHYLLQZY/Tcr3EoFsNII/AAAAAAAAAKM/WXbA3ZDd0ps/s1600/outfit%25233.jpg - os sapatos dela)
- tights: light lavender ones, black sheer (another pair), with all sorts of prints
- purses
- belts; skinny belts various colors
- rings, necklaces, headbands, earrings,
- camisa branca e preta- que fiquem bem justinhas para vestir por cima de outras blusas tipo de alças
- boyfriend jacket- small and well fitted
- botas a meio: http://www.comeovertothedarksidewehavecandy.com/2011/05/outfit-16052011.html
- lace dress; little black dress; little gold dress
- leopard print anything: top, cardigan, shoes, headband, dress... you name it
- floral dresses
- pleated skirts (http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/urban/catalog/productdetail.jsp?id=19797422x&itemdescription=true&parentid=SEARCH%20RESULTS&isProduct=true&preference=NorthAmerica&navAction=jump&cm_mmc=NorthAmerica-_-NorthAmerica-_-NorthAmerica-_-NorthAmerica&search=true&availableOptions=availableOptions)
- GANCHOS PARA CABELO TIPO PENTES http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lp4kqxFcsy1qbhvqdo1_r2_500.gif
may 21 2011 ∞
aug 26 2013 +