• being openly unimpressed by men is some of the most fun you can have for free. they don’t know what to do when you won’t let them have the power
  • just girly things: not being able to determine if a man is being nice to you because he’s sincere and views you as an autonomous human being or if he’s being nice to you because he views you as a conquerable object
  • men are not “helping out” when they take care of their children… they’re taking care of their children.
  • "female privilege is getting to claim a headache to avoid sex". female oppression is having to claim physical illness to avoid sex because men won’t take a simple fucking “no” for an answer. female oppression is men being so entitled that they think being denied sex is oppressive.
  • the sexualization of little Asian girls, especially Japanese, Korean, and Thai, is honestly so revolting
  • hey what if someone invented a machine that allowed women to transfer their pregnancies to men and...
  • a sad truth of women in relationships; their silent tears in the bathroom, the lights off during sex, unspoken insecurities and questions; fear of being too loud too hysterical too clingy.
  • men sleeping is just so adorable to me, idk why lol. it’s like y'all finally peaceful and not doing no dumb shit, i love it
  • chicas, recordad que no estáis haciendo nada malo cuando rechazáis a un tío. por mucho que esa persona se haya portado genial con vosotras.
  • escandalizan más las generalizaciones con hombres que la opresión sistemática que sufrimos las mujeres, por eso mismo son necesarias
  • el feminismo no busca la igualdad, busca la liberación de la mujer, la igualdad sería una consecuencia de dicha liberación
  • let women be sexual
  • respect girls who are virgins respect girls who suck 7 dicks at a time respect girls who don’t like dick respect girls who have dicks
  • the complete desexualisation of breasts in high fashion
  • stop waiting on men to validate you. you’re pretty. you’re smart. you’re interesting. you’re worth time & effort. you deserve to be loved. you need to know these things and truly believe them. don’t wait on some man to come along and tell you.
  • “my boyfriend does my makeup” challenges
  • it’s just crazy how sexual assault has become so normalised in the lives of women we can’t even speak out about our experiences without being told we’re attention seeking, we’re forced to consider it as “just one of those things in life"
  • women can’t do anything or enjoy something as simple as a snapchat filter without some uglie guy telling us we need to stop
  • if my son cheats on his girlfriend ima smack the shit out of him and send the girl a sephora giftcard
  • y’all act like girls are psycho for showing emotions like grow up
  • i think the reason it is confusing to be both the girl in the red dress and the girl with purple hair and leather jackets and the girl who hides in libraries is that we teach our children: what you see is what you get. that humans are two-dimensional.
  • this fits into my confusion as to why it’s perfectly acceptable to hate cats but blasphemy to hate dogs
  • ’slut’ is attacking women for their right to say yes. ‘Friend Zone’ is attacking women for their right to say no"
  • opresión: tone policing o vigilancia del tono. argumento ad hominen (contra la persona y no contra el argumento) derivado de las relaciones de poder (por favor no caer en argumentos ad hominen). El opresor tiene una falsa percepción de agresividad por parte del grupo oprimido y se considera a sí mismo atacado. depersonalización del grupo oprimido. también existe el tone policing a la inversa - tú no eres como el resto - todo el colectivo es negativo menos tú
  • opresión: la llamada a la calma o lógica. solo se puede a través del distanciamiento, que solo lo tiene el que la pide. acompañado de tono condescendiente.
  • opresión: apelación a figuras idealizadas. las feministas de la primera ola
  • la idea falsa de que el feminismo divide a la izquierda por priorizar la lucha de género sobre la lucha de clases. engels pone la opresion de genero como la primera lucha de clases
  • una vez que entiendes el origen del lenguaje (ej puta) entiendes la carga semántica de la palabra y desaparece la consideración de eufemismos políticamente correctos
jan 3 2017 ∞
sep 22 2018 +