• (304): all you did was keep googling "what time is it" over and over and over
  • (425): You wanted to speak to the manager of mcdonalds as to why a "bag of cheeseburgers" isn't a menu option.
  • (954): you kept slapshing your drinks on people saying the power of christ compels you.
  • (859): I didn't know it was possible to throw up mid-sneeze.
  • (807): I'm naming my child veloci raptor. And you can be a part of its life if you want. But that's its name. Cause i have the vagina.
  • (513): You tried to wear your Jesus costume into Family Christian stores and say it was a book signing.
  • (909): flash back: i gave smirnoff to a group of children at walmart
  • (713): Why did you video tape me drying my boxers in the microwave?
  • (914): I'm dreading the fact that when the dominoes guy comes, he will ask me if i placed an order under the name "high as shit".
  • (832): i just traded a sweatshirt for margaritas... why did they ever stop using the barter system??!!
  • (615): small problem..I have a major exam in the morning so I might have to go to the library after the party423): so no drinking for you?(615): don't be silly
  • (607): You act like I was drinking alone...I had the entire Verizon network with me
  • (919): You said you were collecting Asians for your Kate Gosselin costume.
nov 2 2009 ∞
jan 4 2010 +