archaic, unknown, and pretty meanings particular to the text
† archaic ♡ adored → origin ℵ not found
- acclivity —upward slope or inclination of the earth (side of a hill)
- appurtenances —an accessory associated with a particular style of living → appertinentia → appertain
- beatitude —supreme blessedness
- blither —talkative; happy or joyous; cheerfully indifferent and considered to be improper
- calcareous —containing calcium carbonate (chalky)
- cerealia —female ceremony worshiping ceres, goddess of the earth and all growing things
- chapel-of-ease —a chapel situated at a reachable distance for parishioners that live far from a parish
- chitterlings —smaller intestines of a pig cooked for food
- coiffure —a person's elaborate hairstyle
- conning —to study attentively or learn by heart †
- conterminous —sharing a common boundary
- copses —small group of trees (coppice)
- creeper —any plant that grows along the ground, around a plant, or up a wall
- curate —a member of the clergy, an assistant to a parish priest
- denuded —stripped of its coverings/possessions ♡
- desultorily —lacking a plan or purpose
- desultory —unfocused, lacking plan or purpose
- diment ℵ
- ditty —a short, simple song
- dolorifuge —something that banishes or mitigates pain or grief
- of latin → dolor (grief, pain) and fugere (to flee)
- dyspeptic —indigestion or irritability
- eastings —distance traveled east
- equanimity —mental calmness, composure in the face of a difficult situation
- factotum —an employee who does all kinds of work (of dominum factotum ‘master of everything’)
- fess —confessing, owning up
- fling —a short period of enjoyment or wild behavior
- frizzle —a tight curl in hair
- fusty —smelling stale, damp, or stuffy
- gallopade —a sprightly kind of dance
- genuflection —lower one's body to the ground on one knee as a sign of respect
- hart —an adult male deer; a red deer over five years old
- hitherward —to or toward this place
- holmberry —the scarlet berry of butcher's broom (of tess’ lips)
- hoyden —a boisterous girl
- knacker —a person whose business it is to dispose of a dead animal, especially that which is not fit for human consumption
- languorous —the oppressive stillness of the air ♡
- lighted —fall or land on, discover by chance
- limed —caught †
- of birdlime → sticky substance put on twigs to catch birds
- malthusian —without “moral strength” the population increases and is kept in check with war, epidemics, famine
- nascent —just coming into existence and just showing signs of future potential
- nettlecombe-tout ℵ
- nosegay —small bunch of sweet-scented flowers
- onerous —involving heavy obligation; burdensome
- ostler —(hostler) a man employed to look after horses, especially those belonging to an inn
- penury —extreme poverty; destitution
- peony —shrubby plant cultivated for its showy flowers
- pollard —tree with the top or branches cut off to encourage new growth
- poppet —an endearingly sweet or pretty child or young girl
- public-house —a tavern
- raillery —good-humored teasing
- reel —lively scottish or irish dance
- selenii —woodland spirit, usually depicted as musical or a drunkard
- sententious —given to moralizing in a pompous manner
- spurious —false or fake; not being what it purports to be
- tertiary —third in level
- tippler —habitual drinker of alcohol
- untinctured —not tinged, stained, mixed or infected
- vale —a valley
- vegeto —luxuriant, thriving
- votive —offered or consecrated in fulfillment of vows ♡