† archaic ♡ adored → origin ☾ known as
- angelica —tall aromatic plant of parsley family, with large leaves and yellowish-green flowers
- of herba angelica (early 16th cent) → “angelic herb” so named because it was believed to be ward off illness or disease
- catkins —a spike of unisexual, apetalous flowers having scaly, usually deciduous bracts, as of a willow or hazel
- of katteken → “little cat” (from obsolete dutch) †
- orrisroot —(iris germanica florentina) the fragrant rootstock of the iris, used in perfumery and medicine
- rhizome —a horizontally growing underground plant
- of rhizoûn → to fix firmly, take root ☾creeping rootstalk
- yarrow —eurasian plant of the daisy family with feathery leaves and heads of small white, pink or yellow aromatic flowers ☾ milfoil
- holmberry —the scarlet berry of butcher's broom ☾ butcher's broom or sweet broom ♡
- vetch —a scrambling herbaceous plant of the pea family
- haulm —stalk or stem esp. of peas or potatoes
- bladdernut —shrub or small tree that bears little white flowers; found in poland and highly coveted for its magical power; the fruit of comes in inflated, bladder-like
- bellflower —plant with delicate, bell-shaped blossoms of white, violet or blue; (of genus campanula, latin for campana → “bell”) genus campanula
oct 7 2010 ∞
feb 11 2016 +