🩸 pisces ☀ aquarius ☾ pisces ⬆
- likes: bunny rabbits, mint chocolate chip ice cream, shelling at beaches, chantilly cake, betta fish, lemon & lime candy, plushies, rings, keychains, crystal jewelry, glass figurines, long walks, warm afternoon naps in the sun, documentaries, trilobites, remembering small things about people, drawing after a long break, bedhead, physical touch, dippin' dots, earth tones, chai, iced coffee, hershey’s mildly sweet mini dark chocolates, charms that jingle, root beer & butterscotch dumdums, sandals, aquariums, the smell of gasoline, when mangoes have that perfect stiff yet bouncy texture, how lights look with astigmatism, sunny side up eggs, the heavy feeling in your chest when you feel love, taking videos of friends, hanging up clothes, ghiradelli chocolate squares, long car rides with friends, crying on purpose, the scent of blown out birthday candles, petrichor, the smell of summer nights, seafood
- dislikes: feeling cold, math, being alone, overcast skies, wearing socks, driving, looking in the mirror after crying, thick soups, pepper flakes, red lint, eyes hurting after having no sleep, winter jakcets, wearing anything longer than shorts to sleep, replying to emails, anything cherry flavored minus cola, making eye contact with people while walking, eating too much bread and carbs, drinking water, bad hair days, getting hit on by men, folding too much laundry in one sitting, skinny jeans, sweatpants, fleece, tailgaters, unconfident sketching, neon colors, napping while sitting, celery, papaya, unsweetened tea, painting my nails, growing out hair, people who text without emoticons or caps lock, overly soft mattresses, sarcasm, still life, tactlessness, crossword puzzles, sudoku
hobbies: pressing flowers, drawing, rhythm games