jan 10 2024 ∞ sep 19 2024 +
Editora Annablume:
- Arqueologia da repressão e da resistência, Vários Autores. R$ 28,00.
- Magia E Poder No Império Romano, Semiramis Corsi Silva. R$ 28,00.
Grupo Editorial Record:
- Cadernos do cárcere (Vol. 5). Gramsci. R$ 49,90.
- História da Loucura. Foucault. R$ R$ 84,95.
WMF Martins Fontes:
- Os Anormais - Curso no Collège de France - 1974-1975. R$ 44,95.
nov 5 2024 ∞ nov 5 2024 +
For college
- Araújo, Astolfo G. M. de. Por uma Arqueologia Cética. - R$ 98-105
- Courrier, Cyril; Oliveira, Julio C. M. de. Ancienty History from Below. - R$ 386
- Saxl, Fritz; Klibansky, Raymond; Panofsky, Erwin. Saturn and Melancholy - R$581,00
- Mo Dao Zu Shi - Livros 2, 3 e 4.
- Guardian - livros 1, 2 e 3.
jun 20 2024 ∞ sep 19 2024 +
Rules: Play every leader in order from A to Z (But I start on the wrong letter and never learned the alphabet).
Bà Triêu ▸ Vietnam
- Completed in 2022年02月23日
- Science victory (160 turns)
- Online speed (max. 250 turns)
- Prince difficult (4/8)
Alexander ▸ Macedon
- Completed in 2022年03月25日
- Domination victory (189 turns)
- Online speed (max. 250 turns)
- King difficult (5/8)
Amanitore ▸ Nubia
- Completed in 2022年03月27日
- Culture victory (124 turns)
- Online speed (max. 250 turns)
- Emperor difficult (6/8)
Ambiorix ▸ Gaul
mar 27 2022 ∞ jan 26 2024 +
Dos livros que eu tenho:
- Ler:
- A Linguagem Fascista, Carlos Piovezani e Emilio Gentile.
- Antifa: O Manual Anti Fascista, Mark Bray.
- Anarquia e Arte, Allan Antliff.
- Usos do Esquecimento, Yosef H. Yerushalmi et al.
- Poder Midiático e Disputas Ideológicas, Dênis de Moraes. (org.)
- A Cidade e o Medo, Lia Zanotta Machado et al. (org.)
- Ler de novo:
- Realismo Capitalista, Mark Fisher.
- Como Nasce e Morre o Fascismo, Clara Zetkin.
- O Fascismo em Camisas Verdes, Leandro Pereira Gonçalves e Odilon Caldeira Neto.
aug 10 2024 ∞ aug 10 2024 +
The things that inspire me and live rent-free in my mind...
- "'Will you speak to us of love?' Almitra asks, like a child. They care nothing of the dying sun, the burnt earth, their inevitable mortality. Tell us a story about love, they say. And give it a happy ending." - Starlingthefool, Fundamental Imperfection.
- I once read that learning to live was simply just making it a habit.
- It is a ruin to love someone like this, so wholly and without reason.
- "Not everything had gone to plan, but we made the best of what we had, you know?" - Bastille, Glory.
- "'Memory's images, once they are fixed in words, are erased,' Polo said. 'Perhaps I am afraid of losing Venice all at once, if I speak of it, or perhaps, speaking of other cities, I have already lost it, little by little.'" ― Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities.
- "And you have fixed my life — however short. You did not light me: I was always ...
oct 24 2023 ∞ jun 24 2024 +
- Cover to the sofa
- New wardrobe
- New mouse
- mousepad
- Socks :)
- A bookshelf, probably.
- Tablet
oct 24 2023 ∞ jun 20 2024 +
- Atual: 6º de 8 períodos.
- Obrigatórias: 96 de 138 créditos necessários.
- 7 matérias faltando (3 matriculadas, 17 créditos).
- Eletivas: 8 de 36 créditos necessários.
- aprox. 5 matérias faltando (1 matriculada, 6 créditos).
- Livres: 18 de 18 créditos necessários.
6º Período
- Seg: 14h - Antiga (monitoria).
- Ter: 14h - Brasil República (Napolitano).
- Qua: 14h - Medievalismos (Maria Cristina).
- Qui: 14h - Moderna II (Carneiro).
- Sex: 19h - América Contemporânea II (Se...
jan 26 2024 ∞ aug 24 2024 +
March 20th - Mabon
- The autumn equinox: I had many classes, so I spent the days studying. I took time to go out and drink with my friends, merry days before the winter!
- I celebrated with some tarot readings for the new season.
- Time to finish projects, and start on more relaxed endeavours.
April 29th - Samhain
- My favourite sabbat, the witch's New Year: Gabs and I celebrated her birthday at the aquarium.
June 20th - Yule
- The winter solstice: I went to college, and afterwards I was so tired that I couldn't do anything more. So I just spent some time relaxing.
August 1st - Imbolc
mar 23 2024 ∞ aug 23 2024 +