• Relationship to Family
    • Family elders are expressing disapproval of you to the rest of the family. Do you:
      • Seek a compromise with the elders
    • Would you give up a promising career to aid the family in time of need?
      • Yes, with some reluctance
    • Would you betray a family member to advance your own career?
      • I'd resist the temptation
    • Do you respect the leaders of your family?
      • They're often out of touch with my life
    • If your family had arranged your marriage to someone loathsome, would you:
      • Flee
    • You're estranged from a family member. On his deathbed, he seeks reconciliation. Do you:
      • Discuss your estrangement openly and without rancor
  • Relationship to Friends
    • A powerful but corrupt judge offers you wealth if you'll testify against a friend. Do you:
      • Testify on your friend's behalf, no matter the consequences
    • Do you become close to friends, or hold most people at a safe distance?
      • I have a few close friends
    • Have you ever betrayed a friend?
      • I've been tempted to do so, but I've never gone through with it
    • How do you view lifelong commitment to a single romantic partner?
      • Tie yourself to one person? Huge mistake
    • Do you insist on repayment when lending money to friends?
      • No, they just owe me a favor
    • Are you still in touch with childhood friends?
      • Yes, we correspond regularly
  • Relationship to Community
    • Do you donate time and money to improve the local community?
      • Yes, I donate as much as I can once my own needs are met
    • Your community is threatened with invasion. Do you:
      • Flee as soon as things look grim
        • Bitch this ain't 1066 C.E. XDDD
    • If you were injured and required immediate assistance, would members of your home community agree to help?
      • Yes, because they know I'd do the same for them
    • Do you respect the laws and authorities in the community?
      • When it suits me -- there are some laws I just don't agree with
    • Do members of the community shun, avoid, or mock you?
      • Some do, because I don't always fit in
    • Would you stand for office or seek to represent the interests of the community in some public manner?
      • Only if no one else could handle the job
        • Literally no one else.
  • Relationship to King and Country
    • Your country is wracked with famine. Would you:
      • Share what food you had with others
    • If offered enough money, would you slip a poison into your king's drink?
      • Yes, if I thought I could get away with it
    • A plague is sweeping across the country. Would you:
      • Heal the sick as best you can
    • Do you respect the lawful authority of the rulers of the land?
      • No, a ruler is no better than anyone else
    • If you were offered a reasonably lucrative deal, would you spy for a hostile foreign power?
      • No, because I might get caught
    • Do you rely on the government to enforce contracts and property rights?
      • Are you kidding me? The government can't even pave roads
  • Thoughts on Crime and Punishment
    • If imprisoned, would you injure or kill others to escape?
      • No. Those guards are just doing their jobs.
    • Do you accept a noble's right to treat badly the serfs who work on his land?
      • No one has any "right" to treat another badly. Period
    • You have accidentally committed a crime. Do you:
      • Hide your involvement, lying if you have to
    • If guilty, would you confess to a crime?
      • No, and I'd try to "prove" my innocence

It really just depends entirely on what the crime was, the motivation, etc.

    • Would you express a revolutionary political opinion if threatened with punishment?
      • No, although I might privately express my opinion to friends
    • While traveling, you witness an assault. You are ordered to testify, which will delay your travel significantly. Do you:
      • Remain reluctantly, testify, and leave
  • Thoughts on Business and the Economy
    • What is the best use of wealth?
      • Provide for the needs of friends and family
    • When confronted by beggars, do you:
      • Give generously
    • By using magic, you could fool village merchants into thinking your copper pieces were made of gold. Do you?
      • Yes, but I'll only cheat the rich merchants
        • Walmart XD
    • You have two job offers. One pays more, but the other is secure and steady. Which do you choose?
      • The secure job, unless the other job was outrageously lucrative
    • What's the best path to wealth?
      • Staying flexible so you can take advantage of good opportunities
    • If you accepted a job or contract, would you try to finish the task even if it got much more dangerous?
      • You can bet I'd be renegotiating

Result: your Character Alignment is Neutral - Good.

jan 30 2025 ∞
jan 30 2025 +