The Fantastic Four are enjoying a boost of popularity and awareness thanks to Marvel Rivals, while Namor has been suffering from, um . . . the opposite of popularity. There have been many writers over the years, and many retcons, but this will be a list of my favorite issues that feature them.
- In the earlier part of the 1970s, some things went down that caused Sue and Reed to separate, with Sue taking Franklin, their son. I can't remember the exact issues. Sue turns to Namor for companionship (not like that) and help, and in response, he fakes attacking the surface world with the hopes that in doing so she and Reed will reunite -- and they do.
- Fantastic Four V1 #195, published June 1978.
- "It is you! I -- I thought I saw an actor in make-up. But it's you -- Namor!"
- "Look at these sea creatures, Susan. See how peaceful they are, swimming in their water without a worry in the world. Why cannot the prince of the seven seas possess the same peacefulness as do the denizens he rules? Why must Namor always be troubled -- and the victim of conflicting passions?"
- "What do you mean, Namor? And what are you doing here? I thought you were still in Atlantis."
- "Are you and Reed Richards happy, Susan?"
- "Yes . . . very happy. And you wouldn't believe how much little Franklin has grown. But, Namor -- ?"
- "Susan, you are my friend . . . perhaps my only friend. Even in the beginning you understood what manner of man Namor is. I revealed my heart to you . . . and for too many painful years I -- I loved you . . . until Richards claimed you as his, and Namor gallantly stepped aside. I cared for you too much to interfere with your happiness."