• day 1: Began to feel a headache Saturday morning with a small cough present, but didn't think anything of it.
    • Woke up with worsened headache, worsened cough. A bit of fatigue. Warned DJ that I felt like I had some kind of little head cold, not completely certain, It's up to you if you still want me to come over? No, I haven't been around anyone with COVID. I mean, you can leave the testing kit outside your door when I get there if you want to feel sure. No? It's up to you. Like I said though, it ain't COVID.
    • As day goes on I began to feel worse. Just wanted to lay down. Head almost felt like it was floating. Then DJ felt me, by accident, and said that I appeared to have a fever. I didn't realize.
    • Luke came home, and closer to midnight DJ asks me to take the COVID test. That's fine, but I'm telling you, it's just some cold.
  • day 2: I take the test, and Luke is the one who reads it out. Jaydon, according to this, you have COVID. Look, this second line is very dark.
    • Me, staring at him like I'm deeply offended. There's no way. I look up how reliable those kits are, and find that they are fairly so. I will go to a clinic Monday to get a second opinion + doctor's excuse.
    • I tell them that I should go ahead and go home, but all three asked me to stay, I suppose because of how I was feeling with the fever, and because they felt like by that point it was too late. I reluctantly agreed, and shortly after said that I wanted to lay down.
    • I've had fever dreams before, but none like this time. None that made me question my reality so thoroughly. I thought I was going crazy, I really did. I kept having dreams where the virus was actually government agents that wanted to take over my body. I kept trying to fight them off. A part of me said that if I would relax and go with the flow I'd have better rest, but I was afraid to do that.
      • After a few hours of that narrative, I began to have a horrible time where I kept going in and out of a dream, but in the dream I was hearing voices that told me to kill people. Because I kept going in and out of the dream, I wasn't certain if it was a dream. I lost a lot of faith in myself and debated on dialing 911 and telling them I was having some kind of psychiatric breakdown. Thankfully, I didn't call because a small part of me believed it was just a fever dream, and also because I knew that I had no history of this kind of thing. I promised myself that if I was still hearing voices when I was fully awake, I would turn myself in.
        • I didn't hear voices when I was awake
jun 6 2022 ∞
aug 29 2022 +