These are what I have picked up on so far. The first two are reasonably "innocent" exaggerations and I just took them too seriously due to ASD ... but it feels more like she's wanting to garner sympathy. If the one about the insurance is legit though, that speaks of repeated, intentional lies. All of these are relatively small, so if all of these are lies, then it goes to reason that she lies about bigger things as well.

  • She says she has a panic attack every time she has to puke; either she's intentionally lying, or she doesn't know what a panic attack is.
  • "Ask Jaydon, I've been in the bathroom every five minutes throwing up." No you haven't?! You went to the bathroom just once.
  • She told me that she only went to her therapist for one month a long time ago, but she's told others that she goes to see him regularly.
  • She said that she gets on Fortnite every now and then, but she hasn't been on since she and I played a month ago.
    • She has an excuse every time I offer.

Look Out For

  • insurance: she says she has BCBS, but one of her managers says she doesn't have insurance? It's possible that he isn't aware, but it seems like they've been told one thing and I've been told another.
    • ask her if she has insurance in March or April, to give her time to forget. See what she says.
feb 11 2024 ∞
jan 29 2025 +