- Pythagoras
- sacred geometry
- elements
- the theory that there was a single source
- Thales of Miletus
- Heraclitus
- Empedocles
- earth (solids), water (liquids), air (gasses), fire (energy) -- air and fire could likely be flipped as needed
- astrology
- how does it affect lands
- clouds, etc
- Plato's philosophy: the task of the philosopher is to get passed the misleading data provided by the senses and know the [spirit world] directly with the mind
- "Platonic magic"
- Ammonius
- Neoplatonism -- Plotinus
- "He taught his students to use contemplation to commune with the world of Being, and he also portrayed the basic patterns of the world of Being as intelligent beings; later generations would identify them as the gods and goddesses of pagan religion or the angels and archangels of the Christian faith." - John Michael Greer, The Occult Book
- Iamblichus -- theurgy, explained how every aspect of traditional pagan religion and magick made sense in Platonic terms and therefore could be practiced
- the Bacchic mysteries cult
- alchemy
- Mary the Jewess
- Zosimos of Panopolis
- Theosebia
- Jabir Ibn Hayyan
- Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel
- Jesus ben Pantera
- early Jewish literature
- Celsus, Against the Christians
- runes
- Apollonius of Tyana
- the facts
- what Philostratus said
- the taliamans
- Gnosticism
- ✔ Basilides of Alexandria
- ✔ Yaldabaoth and his demons
- the words of power
- ✔ being both a Christian and a Gnostic
- ✔ The Apocryphon of John - was this same John, same place as Revelations?
- ✔ why are some æons lower than others?
- Lucius Apuleius
- his speech at court
- The Golden Ass
- Hermes Trismegistus
- the Eleusinian mysteries
- Kabbalah
- Book of Formation
- Book of Splendor
- meditate on Hebrew letters--what does that mean?
- Christian Kabbalahism, and how Johannes Reuchlin showed it could relate to the powers of Jesus
- "Christian Kabbalists explored complex notions of the universe's unity and eventually embraced all religions" (p. 136 of other book)
- Ramon Llull
- Pablo de Heredia, Epistle of Secrets
- Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola, 900 Conclusions
- Johann Reuchlin, On the Art of Kabbalah
- Isaac Luria: "If God is benevolent and almighty, why should there be so much suffering in the world? Luria's answer was that the forces that cause suffering and evil in the world are remnants of the universe before ours -- a primal cosmos of unbalanced forces -- and the mission of human beings, and Jews in particular, is to redeem the powers of evil through religious observance and Cabalistic disciplines." - The Occult Book, John Michael Greer
- Castile and King Alfonso X, and the occultism there
- works
- Picatrix
- Three Books of Occult Philosophy (Cornelius Agrippa)
- On the Mysteries
- Aurora, or the Dawn and the Beginning
- Harran, the Harranian religion?
- Knights Templar -- belief they were invested in the occults, and how that affects people today
- the Burning Times
- Cecco d'Ascoli, maybe reach out to him or spirit guide???
- spirits
- Floron, spirit guided into a magical statue
- elemental spirits -- where did Paracelsus get this?
- Cornelius Agrippa and his network of buds
- the prophecies of Nostradamus
- Elizabethan occult scene
- the benandanti
- Giordano Bruno, his works
- the Art of Memory, Dominican
- Rosicrucianism
- Gerard Thibault's Academy of the Sword
- Helen Duncan
- Emanuel Swedenborg and his findings of angels, etc
- Hellfire Club
- the occult elements of hypnotism, Franz Anton Mesmer
- Society of Interpreters of the Book of Thoth
- mansions of the Moon
- crystals to talk to spirits and travel through spiritual realms -- Francis Barrett's letter
- Thomas Taylor
- spiritualism
- sexual occultism -- Paschal Beverly Randolph
- Theosophical Society
- Golden Dawn
- Symbolists, the occultists
- Carl Jung and occultism
from A History of Magic, Witchcraft, and the Occult
- Egypt
- the ka and ba: two parts of the soul
- Greece
- drawing down the moon origins
- Thracian witches who used "Moon foam"
- figure of Arithmetic, p. 37
- genius (presiding deity), Lares, etc
- China
- wu tomb attendants
- Zhong Kui, the Demon Queller
- Queen Mother of the West
- Mt. Kunlun, why is it sacred?
- Japan
- Abe no Seimei
- why did Emperor Meiji ban the occult practices?
- Judaism
- Divination
- cleromancy, energy maps
- palomancy
- Celtic ogham staves
aug 10 2021 ∞
mar 30 2022 +