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wishlist (17th)
jun 17 2013
movies (to illegally stream sometime)
nov 2 2012
notes (to do in these holidays)
jul 7 2012
about me (things i wish i could do)
jun 24 2012
television (shows I watch on a regular basis)
jun 21 2012
financial (what i need to save money for)
jun 20 2012
relationships (my relationship advice)
jun 19 2012
music (favourite songs of all time...so far)
jun 19 2012
to do (who'd I'd want to find in heaven)
jun 19 2012
educational (classes i've taken)
jun 13 2012
performances (the times i've had an audience)
jun 12 2012
books (my favorite books so far)
jun 12 2012
music (favorite bands)
jun 11 2012
travel (countries I want to visit someday)
jun 11 2012
television (favorite childhood television shows)
jun 10 2012