Sunny Eloise's listography
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(lists to make)
10 things I do every single day
Advice I follow from lyrics
Animals I'd love to adopt
Artists and photographers I'd like to explore
Authors and poets I want to read
Bands I don't like
Bands that should not have broken up
Beaches I dream of seeing
Best album covers ever created
BEst concerts and music festivals I've seen
Biggest fears
books I own
books I want to read
Break-up mixtape
Changes I wish for the world
Cities I plan to visit
Classes I'd love to take
Countries I hope to go to
Dream jobs
Environmentally friendly habits I need to start
Events to time travel to (past or future)
Favourite music moments in film
Favourite restaurants
Favourite songs from the 90s
Filmographies (of actors/actresses I want to see)
Films I would like to see
Food I hate
Friends of 2012
Future halloween costume ideas
Good deeds I want to perform
Habits to break
Habits to develop for my health
Hobbies to try
Magazines I subscribe to
Make out mix tape
Memorable places I've experienced bodily functions
Mistakes to not repeat
Modes of transportation to take
Moments in my life I don't want to forget
Movies I own
Movies I rewatch over and over again
Movies seen in 2011
Movies watched in 2009
Movies watched in 2010
Museums I want to visit
Music from my high school years
Musical guilty pleasures
Musicians I've met
My favourite lyrics
My flaws
My friends who play music
National parks and gardens I want to visit
Netflix queue
Other lives I'd want to lead if I had 9 lives
Outdoor adventures I want to have
Parties I'd enjoy throwing
People I pay
Performers I've seen live
Pets I've had, and their names
Places I could see myself living
Places I've seen live music
Plays, performances, and musicals to see
Qualities I want to have as a parent
Reasons not to marry me
Recipes I want to try
Saddest songs in the world
Songs for my funeral
Songs for my wedding
Songs that completely transform my mood
Sports or games I would like to try
super powers I wish I had
The best soundtracks
The first albums I ever owned
Things from childhood I'll never out grow
Things I find sexy
Things I hope to receive one day
Things I wish I could do
things I'd like to do during future winters and summers
Things I'd love to be knowledgable about
things I'm bad at
things I'm good at
Things most people don't know about me
Things most people probably don't know about me
Things that annoy me
Things to do when I am feeling down
Things to do when I'm in retirement
Thinks I want to accomplish
Top favourite female vocalists
Top favourite male vocalists
Top twenty favourite bands
TV in 2009
Tv in 2010
TV series to see
TV watched in 2011
Twenty albums I'd bring if I were leaving Earth on a space ship
Twenty favourite songs
Unique sights to visit
Websites I visit the most
What I'd do with an enormous amount of money
What I've been for Halloween
When I have my own house
apr 3 2012 ∞
jul 22 2012 +