also known as international domination


  • going into the mines of St Andrews Castle and being alone and thinking that someone was about to rape me...CREEPY RED LIGHT
  • Rose's awkward bromance hug with my dad when he
  • First thing to do was buying vodka at TESCO'S!!! (only Elise will appreciate the fact that it was Tesco's)
  • My face getting bright bright bright red when I started drinking...woo i'm a red face, it's confirmed.
  • Rose's friends: "chug! chug! chug! DRINK IT!!!" Me: "Okay!" *chugs vodka* Rose: "...that probably wasn't the best idea..."
  • While I was in the bathroom, Rose's friends topping off half of my 3rd? drink with just vodka then I come back..."was it this full when I left? Oh well..." *drinks*
  • Walking through the streets after 4 drinks and seeing a trash bag and screaming at it thinking it was a person staring through a iron-gate fence.
  • After my 5th? drink, me: "Rose...I can't control my verbs. They just keep coming out...the words...they come out and I can't think of them; they just word vomit." *falls asleep on the floor*


  • Weird-ass multi-color UK Cheerios that were oddly sugary
  • The demon raven that screeched at Rose and I then proceeded to shit all over the sidewalk...was it trying to warn us?
  • The Glozell YouTube video: "My Push Up Bra Will Help Me Get My Man Back"
  • Rose and I Drooling over Paul Rudd, despite the fact that he's 20 years older than us.
  • Skype fest with Rachel and Adrian
mar 24 2010 ∞
apr 8 2010 +