- Monday:
- 11:00-12:15 Four Epics: The Iliad, The Aeneid, Paradise Lost, Moby-Dick
- 2:00-3:15 Writing the Essay: Art & the World (lecture)
- 7:00-9:00 Writing the Essay: Art & the World (4 times/term)
- Tuesday:
- 3:30-5:30 Freshmen Colloquium
- Wednesday:
- 11:00-12:15 Four Epics: The Iliad, The Aeneid, Paradise Lost, Moby-Dick
- 2:00-3:15 Writing the Essay: Art & the World (lecture)
- 6:20-9:50 The Language of Film (lecture)
- Thursday:
- 9:30-3:15 Frame & Sequence
- 4:55-6:10 The Language of Film (recitation)
aug 23 2010 ∞
sep 7 2010 +