• good
    • experience in film making
    • people are already excited about it
    • probably would be the more fun out of the two options
    • helps in making a portfolio (if i'm not violating copyright)
  • bad
    • VERY relient on other people. if someone is uncooperative, it could keep me from graduating
    • how am i supposed to film the drinking/party scenes?
    • i'm fairly certain it's an arrant copyright violation
    • VERY, VERY time-consuming. filming is just the beginning. editing takes me hours.
    • ridiculously expensive, I'm realizing. A dolly costs at least $100, boom mics are like $800, and editing software that isn't shit costs at least $1000. thankfully i already own a camcorder.


  • good
    • my two favorite things ever: books and movies
    • independent: no worrying about other people being committed
    • gives me a chance to read books that I wouldn't otherwise have time for
    • allows me to explore the relationship between books and movies, which is very important since my ultimate goal is to be a director who makes movies from books
    • i regulate the pace. i already have it set up so that the last book (the long one - 1000 pages) is optional, and whether i read it or not will be dictated by the pace in which i read the others
    • with Mr. Anthony as my faculty advisor i'd be able to discuss the books with him
  • bad
    • it's not very glamorous/ISP-ish
    • it will be a heck of a lot of reading on top of AP English (but hey, I love reading anyway)
jan 31 2010 ∞
feb 16 2010 +