- Film & Television:
- Art in the World & The World Through Art (required)
- The Language of Film
- American Cinema
- History of Cinematography
- Media Mavericks
- Italian Cinema
- Television Programming and Concepts
- Countless various workshops
- Producing for film
- Producing for television
- Camera I-III
- Directing the Actor
- Directing the Camera
- English:
- Literary Interpretation
- British Literature I & II
- American Literature I & II
- Dante and His World
- Modernism and the City: London and New York
- The American Short Story
- Shakespeare I & II
- The British Novel in the 20th Century
- American Fiction from 1900 to World War II
- American Fiction After World War II
- Arthurian Legend
- Tragedy
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- Colloquium: Shakespeare
- Colloquium: Milton
- The Romantic Period
- Contemporary British Literature and Culture
- Narratology
- Topics: Genre Studies
- Humanities (non-English):
- Science:
apr 4 2010 ∞
apr 5 2010 +