- read The Winter of Our Discontent
- read In Cold Blood
- read King Lear
- go to see Mr. Anthony to discuss WouD
- Get recommendation business worked out with Mr. Anthony
- write Erin's Dartmouth Peer Recommendation (MUST BE MAILED BY 1/1!)
- I guess I should mail my NYU portfolio (1/1)
- Contact Syracuse and Emerson to withdraw applications
- Amber Room, 1/30 (kind of...)
- start to rewrite original Mean Girls script to make it worthy of my ISP
- Plan St Andrews/London/Paris(?) trip
- see Up in the Air
- see Precious
- see Avatar
- find a pair of black gloves
- East of Eden through ch. 11
- Brighton Rock through page 21
- Calculus concavity worksheet
- schedule haircut and massage
- go to haircut and massage
dec 17 2009 ∞
jan 3 2010 +